Waited 20 years for this (22)

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A couple hours later everyone was asleep on the plane

Olivia put a pillow on Elliot's lap and layed her head on it and was sleeping.

"pissst, Elliot" Fin whispered

"what?" Elliot whispered back

"come here I need to talk to you" Fin whispered as he walked to the end of the couch away from everyone

Elliot got up and went with him and sat beside him

"what?" Elliot said softly

"Amanda told me that the place we're staying has one 1 room who a king size bed so we thought you and Olivia should have that room" Fin said softly

"why don't you take it, then you can Amanda could have more room than a plane bathroom" Elliot said laughing a little

"what? oh my god you heard that?" Fin said

"yeah, we heard it, well Olivia and I did no one else heard" Elliot said

"good, now anyway, we cant use the room cuz Alex as already asked Amanda if she wanted to room with her" Fin said

"Why don't you just take it that way at night you know" Elliot said smiling

"Why don't you want to sleep in the same bed with Olivia?" Fin said

"it's not that, we've slept in the same bed before we just, haven't ya know" Elliot said

"really? man you really need this room, you and Olivia need that room, end of story" Fin said while smiling and walking back to his seat

The plane landed and everyone got off

"oh it's so warm here compared to New York" Alex said as she put a hat on

"alright guys we're taking a cab to a boat and from the boat to the house

everyone got in a cab and went to the boat

Everyone sat in pairs on the boat

Olivia leaned over and kissed Elliot's cheek

Elliot smiled and kissed her lips softly

Olivia put her hand on Elliot's cheek and kissed him back

They got to another dock and got off, and started walking up the hill to the house

"oh my god" Olivia said as they all looked at the house

"it's an 4 bedroom, 5 and half bathroom, full kitchen, pool in the back and game room in the basement" Amanda said smiling

"how big is this place?" Elliot said as they walked to the door

"um I don't know I mean the property line goes from the dock to about 300 feet out in to the water and then from that far tree over there, to the other one over there" Amanda said as they wall walked inside

The house was huge and it was 3 floor house and every room was decertated amazing

"alright guys so every room has two full size beds but there's only one with a king size bed and Elliot and Olivia already called dibs for that one" Amanda said

"we did?" Olivia said looking at Elliot

"I did" Elliot said smiling

"All the rooms are upstairs on the secont floor so go pick the rooms you want" Amanda said

Everyone went up stairs and picked their bedrooms

Alex and Amanda, Nick and Casey, Fin and Munch, Olivia and Elliot, that was the pairs in the rooms

Waited 20 years for this (22)Where stories live. Discover now