Chapter I

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That was how my body felt when I regained consciousness. I was in so much pain that I didn’t even want to attempt in trying to open my eyes, knowing that I would only hurt more. I laid there, alone with my painful broken body on my chest with my cheek pressed against the grainy earth. My fingers curled and my nails burrowed into the earth as another quiver of intense pain shot through my limp form. It hurt so much that I wanted to cry. I didn’t though. I was much too stubborn to allow myself to show my Creator and my former brothers and sisters the satisfaction of how much I hurt. I refused to show them how much of a human I had become.

I did my best to keep clenching my muscles as the wave of pain left my limbs for when another wave erupted through my body against my permission and my fingers uncurled themselves. I stayed there, in the peacefulness of the secluded forest and listened to the sounds that surrounded me. I could hear the whispered rustling of leaves as the soft breeze brushed them and the soft music of a distant brook that sounded so much like a lullaby that a mother sang to put her child to sleep. 

I was ready for when the next rush of pain coursed through my frame. My muscles stayed clenched and my fingers curled once again as I sucked in a deep breath as if it would help control the amount of pain I was feeling. Focus, I told myself. Focus on the soft song from the brook a few miles away. Focus on the sound of the wind as they move the leaves on the trees. Concentrate on forcing my lungs to let out carbon dioxide and fill back up with oxygen. Focus on anything but the pain. Listening to the sounds around, helped me greatly and the pain left me quicker than I hoped it would. Almost as sudden as it began.

I felt braver than I did a few minutes ago and took a chance. Like taking off a band-aid, I snapped my eyelids open. My sight was greeted with the beautiful and luscious plant life that grew this deep in the forest. The sun’s rays from above, shone through the branches of the trees like Heaven was beckoning me to forget my cause and join the angels above once again. Oh, how I wanted to forget what I fought for and be with my brothers and sisters again but Father would never grant me entrance there a second time. 

Breath in.

Breath out.

Breath in.

Breath out.

Breath in.

With as much strength as I could muster in my broken body, I pushed myself up off the ground and climbed to my feet. My muscles ached and my bones screamed in protest but I made myself stay balanced. I didn’t know how long I was unconscious in this forest and I didn’t want to spend more time here, no matter how peaceful and beautiful it was. I had a job and I needed to get a start on it.

I clenched my mouth shut and bit my tongue to prevent me from vocally crying out at the agony I was forcing upon myself. I knew my bones were not broken, even from the height of my fall, all thanks to one of the angels who granted that I not die from my Fall from Father. I wrapped my arms around myself I slowly and painfully made my way out of the woods and towards human civilization.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2012 ⏰

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