Promise (ItalyxGermany/Hre)

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This is just a simple oneshot I wrote before I went to bed, so if its bad. I don't care. It probably is bad. But I wanted to right a cute little story. So just sit back, and enjoy the story!

Italy was on his way to Germany's house.


It wasn't his fault! He didn't want to be home alone. England could have popped up or a spider could have crawled over the poor Italian.'Fratello seems mad every time I got to Germany's house. I don't see the problem, he is always with Spain'. Feliciano's brother, Romano, was at the Spainard's house picking tomatoes to make pasta sauce!

Many random thoughts scrolled through the Italians head as he walked along the path the Germany's house.

The path was wonderful. It was a secret path only Italy knew about so he could easily get to Germany's house at night. It was at the edge of a forest line. So on one side you had marvelous forest with the perfect amount of sunlight shining through the tall canopy. The other side was a vast field of daisies and wildflowers. The meadow stretched as far as the eye can see. It reminded him of when he would run around in his dress picking flowers for Miss Hungary or making little flower crowns for him and ... Holy Rome. Italy sighed in contentment at the wonderful memory.

Italy loved walking along the path and picking flowers for when he got to Germany's house. He always looked for cyani flower's since it was Germany's favorite flower[1]. It was a little cornflower that looked of the prussian blue color. Italy found a few of them and wrapped them together with a tough wild grass. It was like any other trip to Germany's house.

However, today felt different...

He felt as if we was being watched.... but Italy thought nothing of it.

Italy turned to the left to see the sun setting in the distance. It was a breathtaking view, seeing the yellows and oranges colliding and fusing with the purples and blues.

Out of the corner of Italy's eye however, he swore he saw a flash of black in the path in front of him.

*~*~*Time Skip*~*~*

"Vee~ Doooistu!" Italy proclaimed as he knocked on the door of the Germans house. He heard the stomping and falling of the person hurrying to the door.

Italy was surprised to see a certain Prussian open the door.

"Kesese! What's up Feli?" Prussia laughed.

"I came to see Germany!" Italy exclaimed bouncing with excitement.

"West is in the attic cleaning. I'm too awesome to clean some stupid attic. You can go up there if you want. If you will excuse me, I have to go feed my Gilbirds!" Prussia said. The little bird resting upon his head made a little 'chip' noise, happy to hear it will be fed.

Italy bounded upstairs, wondering the halls looking for the attic. For the so many times Italy has come here, he never really noticed how big it was.

Their were many pictures of Prussia well... being Prussia. Germany was in a few of them but not as many as he thought. The ones he was in, he just had a stoic  'They isn't any of him as a kid' Italy noticed. There was a couple of Prussia hanging with Hungary and Austria (you looked annoyed) but that's about it.

As he walked, Italy was still having trouble finding the attic. However, the more he walked through the house, he kept hearing a small voice. 'Italy...' the voice said. It intrigued Italy, so he began to follow it. 

He kept following till he followed it to a door. Upon closer inspection, it was the attic!

Italy happily climbed the steps to the attic as he heard Germany moving boxes around.

Germany had is back turned, so Italy decided to surprise him. He slowly crept up on him then wrapped his arms around Germany's stomach.

"AAAHH" Germany screamed and dropped the box in his hands. He turned around to find the culprit. He figured it to be Italy, since Prussia would have 'tazered' him. "What the hell Italy!?" Germany scolded the nation.

"Im sorry Germany. Here let me help you!" He happily picked up the box Germany dropped but picked it up upside down, dropping the contents. The contents dropped and fluttered out, causing a mess and dust to rise.

"Oh I'm sorry" Italy apologized. He began to put it back in the box when he froze. What he had in his hands... It was clothing. But it wasn't just and clothes. It looked like a small child's clothes. I was a black outfit, with a cape and a hat with gold trimming.

Like Holy Rome's outfit.

"G-Germany, what is this?" Italy stuttered picking up to where the German could see it and showed the clothes to Germany.

" I think those are my cloths for when I was little." Germany pondered, bringing his hand to his chin, trying to remember.

" H-Hey Germany, were you friends with a girl when you were little?" Italy asked out of the blue. "Ja, I remember a little..." Germany kept thinking, surprised though at the strange question. "She looked somewhat like you, surprisingly"

"Did you ever see her again?" Italy's voice began to become soft. "What is with all these que-" Germany was cut off. "Did you ever see her again!?" Italy's voice was higher and a bit more demanding.

Germany became slightly sullen. "No, I went to war. I never saw her again."

Before Germany could think about it any longer, Italy's lips were on his.

Germany was stunned by the sudden action. He was kissing Italy. Yes, he had a small crush on the cute nation, but would never admit it. He was confused, but it felt..... Right.

But it was like he had felt it before.

Italy pulled away and whispered one thing but Germany caught it.

"Holy Rome...." Germany had never heard of the name, but as soon as Germany heard the name, waves of memories began to hit him.

Him going to fight a long and bloody war.

Him leaving home.

Him finding love.

Him kissing the girl of his dreams.

Him kissing Italy.

" I knew you would come back" Italy cried into Germany's chest.

After coming back to his senseand realizing what Italy had said, Germany himself began to tear up.

"We'll I did promise didn't I?"

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