The First Competition CHAPTER FOUR

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Tiffany's POV
We load the bus with our luggage then I enter the bus and sit next to Skylar.
We walk into our dressing room and we start stretching while my mom gives me a pep talk.

"Don't forget to try your best today , you're only doing the group but you have one of the staring roles make sure you own it and don't forget to have fun" My mum says gently as she kisses my forehead .

Madeline and Nadia change into their costumes and they looked so pretty , they both got time to practice with Ms Dia . Wow this is going to be hard !

As we are about to leave to the stage Mrs Dia says "Girls I do not want to see anyone running around in booty shorts or dance bras outside if you are going to go some where make sure you are properly dressed , understand ?"

"Yes Mrs Dia" We all chant nodding our heads .

I go backstage with Madeline and Nadia and Madeline is going first .

"Okay Madz Make sure to point your toes and do well , Facial Expressions is key make sure you do that and most of all ma-"

My voice is cut of by the announcer saying "This is Act Number 52 Madeline with Cry"

"HAVE FUN !"I shout as Madeline struts on stage .

Madeline's POV
I go to my starting position , the music then starts. I dance making sure the technique is there and I dance my heart out because I love to dance .It's fun.

Towards the ending , I do my chaines then my 5 fouettés a la secondes then fall and do the Maddie face; it was what my mum used to do in her lyrical solos but Im gonna try and make it the 'Madeline Face'.

I get a standing ovation , I bow and struts out of the stage and hug Tiffany.

Nadia's POV

It is almost my turn and Madeline did so good , so I want to do really good as well so I can come first and make Mrs Dianna proud, even though Madz  is my friend.

"Nadia you're gonna do great just use your facial expressions and point your toes and don't forget to never let your eyes leave those judges " Skylar says as I nod.

"This is Act Number 54 Nadia with Baby"

I struts on stage and pose .Shortly after the music starts. I dance remembering each step as I go on, adding facial expressions and maximum energy .I pose as the music comes to an end . I bounce off the stage as the applause goes on.

Madeline and I walk to the dressing . Then I open the door and Mrs Dia gives Madz and I a hug , then I run to my mum who attacks me with a hug giving me high five.

"The group is next !" Mrs Dia yells while
Mum does my hair and make up.

Then Mrs Dia calls us to rehearse the dance .She then gives us a 'pep talk'.

"Make sure when you get on that stage you do fantastic , I want to see amazing technique and facial expressions and remember EVERYONE'S REPLACEABLE LETS GO!"

"Lets have Act Number 67 in the mini group category Just Dance !' The announcer says.
The music starts , I go on the second beat .
Side aerial , attitude turn then strut to my position .
Then pose.
As I end smiling , and strut off stage. We run to the dressing room and I hug mum .
Then Mrs Dia comes in
"Ok time for the trio"

Kylie's POV
We are backstage waiting for the trio division to start .
"Lets have Act number 77 Pop Girls"
"Go girls" The mums shout .

The music starts , I do the dance the way it was given to me , giving my best facial expressions and pointing my toes.

Fouette into double pirouette and middle split pose.

The applause continues as we walk of stage.

Awards:Nadia's POV
We go on stage for awards

A:Okay lets start with the Junior solo. Third place is Act Number 49 Rebecca dream .
Applause goes on as a red headed girl stands up smiling as she accepts her medal and award. She then goes to stand next to the previously called girl in blue.

A:The difference between first and second is half a point.
I clench my wrist onto Natalie's and held my breath.

A:Second place with a score of 293.5 goes to ... Act number 54 Nadia with Baby.
I get up and smile and receive my medal and award before going to stand next to Rebecca.

A:And first place with a score of 294 goes to Act number 52 Madeline with Cry .

Madeline stands up with a smile on her face and receives her medal and award .Then I hug her .

A:Our top ten everybody! Please take a bow and have your seats.

We all bow before heading to our seats.

A:Time for the Mini Duet/Trio Category.
A:First Overall goes to Act Number 77 Pop Girls.

Kylie ,Maisey and Natalie bounce up smiling as wide as Cheshire Cats to collect the award .
A:Who choreographed this routine.
"Mrs Dia Lee Smith !" They all shout into the microphone then they go sit down.
A: Now to the mini group, our top ten!

We all look at each other hoping for a win.
A:Second place with a score of 289.7 is...

We all hold each other tightly closing our eyes ,hoping.

Please not us , please!!!!

A:Act Number 67 Just Dance from the Diana Lee Dance Company.

We all sigh as Madeline gets up as she was the lead of the dance .

We came second . Mrs Dia won't be happy one bit. I wonder what's going to happens .

I look at my Mum and she gives me a reassuring smile getting me to smile as well.I love my Mamabird.

A:And first place with a score of 290.5 is Act Number 75 Price Tag from Dynamite Dance Academy.
The five girls jump up happily as they rush to collect their trophy and award.

A:And who taught you this amazing number?

"Miss Paige Hollister!"They shout excitedly as the smile as the cameraman as well as the moms of the team take pictures.

I clap happily as they return to their seats.

Yes , I know this looks strange but I mean, you win some you lose some . Who cares! They deserve it.

I walk back to the dressing room from awards with the girls as we chat well Kylie,Tiffany and I the rest are scared to what Mrs D is going to do.
We enter the dressing room , then I run to my mum and hug her .

"You did good honey! " Mum says and kisses me on the cheek.
Aunt Kendall says "Good job you guys did great , it doesn't matter what the judges thought. "

Suddenly ,Mrs Dia walks in .
"Second ... second I worked my but off all week for your kids to get second. Then when I shout at your kids , I see the water works .If I SEE ONE MORE TEAR FROM YOUR KIDS I PROMISE YOU I'M GONNA LOSE IT,SAVE YOUR TEARS FOR THE PILLOW!"She yells as the entire room goes quiet.

You could feel the tension in the air.

"Next week , I want to see your kids in the studio early , working to prove to me that you're all 1st place dancers"Mrs Dia concludes and leaves.


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