The yacht

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Mia pov

At the beach we were all tanning. well except Jamie she was swimming.

"I'm hot" Maddie whined

"No I'm hot, have u seen this" I mocked

"Whatever" she said getting up and spraying her self some more

I looked up to see Jamie in the water splashing some dude and laughing. WAIT THATS NIALL.

Jamie pov

I was standing in the ocean it was a warm day so was the water.

A splash of water hit me. I tired around to see Niall giving me a cheeky smile "fancy seeing you here" I smirked

"Why" he asked

"Cause looked at al- wait were is everybody?" I asked "well Paul cleared out the beach until we get on the boat."

"Why not kick us out two?" I asked pointing at my friends

"Cause this is fun" he smirked while splashing me with water. "oh it's on like dinky kong" I said

Someone cleared there throat behind me "that's my line" liam smirked "h-hi" I studdered "hey love you must be Jamie" said while shaking my hand, not he through me over his shoulder and ran. he dropped me down and was face to face with Annie.

Annie's pov

The Liam Payne was face to face with me. " hi" I squeaked "care to join us" he said while sticking his hand out. he pulled me up and ran. we ran onto a Dock Niall and Jamie close behind. mia was collecting all her stuff and Maddie was getting a piggy back ride from Gilly. hehe

A big yacht pulled up and non other than Louis was ushering us on board "well not only did Niall get Amy but Liam got?" "Annie" I piped up shaking his hand "oh and her name is JAY-mie" I kinda snapped "oh I'm so sorry Jamie my bad." he apologized to Jamie "it's okay really common mistake" she said

Louis was helping every one on board but when he got to Mia their eyes locked. then he blushed and looked away.

Maddie pov

I never told the girls but yesterday when carter 'left' he really broke my heart yeah but today is a good day.

Right now me and harry styles are holding hand with our feet hanging off the roof of a yacht! I looked down to see Niall and Jamie laughing at each out while making funny faces. liam and Annie having a sword fight with forks. louis had his arms around Mia as they looked out From the front of the boat pretending to be jack and rose in titanic. lmao. and Gilly and zayn having a shy conversation.

"Hey um maddie" asked harry

"Yeah" i said he looked worried

"I know we only met but will you be my girlfrie-" "YES oh sorry but yes harry I will" I said. he smiled and pulled out his phone. we took a selfie and he tweeted @harry_styles with my beautiful gf @mia_thing3 and our best buds @jamie_thing1 @annie_thing2 @maddie_thing5 @gilly_thing4 and the lads as always (put Niall Liam Louis and zayns twitters here)

From below I heard cheers and then "how you like that CARTER serves you right! harry you better treat her like a queen!" Mia yelled they knew about carter! "how can I not she rules my world" harry shouted we all just laughed and harry placed a soft kiss on my lips. this day could get and better.

Gilly pov

Zayn was so cute and sweet I really like him!




g.. hello

J... hey it's jack where are you?

G.. oh.. right were on our way

J... K see u then.


Lots if byes love ya text me and yatta yatta could be hear as we got off board.

When we arrived it was just jack

"Hey could I talk with Jamie for a sec"

"All yours" I said

When Jamie came back she was in tears. "what happened," I asked "oh my god jay" "what's wrong" "oh honey what's up" we're said by the girls and I "h-h-he c-c-cheated on me" she cried

"I'm ssso soorry girls hhhe wants tthe tickets for hhis new gf" she then said "we don't care about them all we want is you home with movies and ice cream" I joked

As we pilled in the car I saw Niall in a hoodie with a clenched jaw but he got into his car and pulled out I did the same.

On twitter private message it said

Nh: what an ass

G: don't do anything

NH: I won't but tell her I said that I have front row tickets for her lol that's what she was worried about

G: I know lol

NH: how is she

G: at the moment laughing while devouring ice cream seems like this whole 'he cheated' thing don't bother her she said "if I wasn't good enough I get it, but going behind Simone's back is stupid" and now she's joking about how it's probably a man or a dog lol

Nh: haha well text me tomorrow want to come to an interview the paps saw us and we don't want rumors.

G: we'll be there


"Hey uh girls?" I asked "yeah" Mia said

"Wellsinvethepaossawusattheyachtwehavetogotoanintetviewandtalktommotowandiagreestogoing" I huffed "YOU DID WHAT"

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