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THE MARAUDERS POPPING OUT EVERYWHERE Eve went for the past days had become somewhat of a daily requirement that Eve actually expected for it to happen everyday. It wasn't always planned though, sometimes Eve just so happened to be in the way.

          Just like when poor Peter Pettigrew was running away from James Potter who wanted to kill him for an unknown reason.

          Eve was in the library when Peter came running and scrambled his way under the table. Eve stared down at the short lad with confusion to which he only returned with a smile. "Hi there, Eve."

          "Um, hi?"

          "If James comes in and asks for me, tell him you know nothing. Okay?" Eve hadn't thought Peter to be quite confident with people but he was. (Just not as much as his friends.) So, Eve found herself nodding and lying when a scowling James entered the library.

ANOTHER TIME WAS WHEN EVE was assigned as Potions partners with Lily Evans. Eve left Lily for a moment to go fetch the frog legs they needed. When she was about to return, she was cornered by James — with a very unwilling, rolling eyes, Remus Lupin behind him as a cover up.

          "Eve! Please give this to Lily for me?"

          James looked so desperate that Eve barely had time to think before taking the piece of parchment from him. The bespectacled boy grinned so wide and caught Eve off guard as he tackled her in a hug.

          As she was being squished, she discretely looked at Remus who couldn't help but chuckle. "He's a hugger. You'll get used to it."

          And when Lily actually read and kept the letter and not vaporized it as usual, James started considering Eve as his lucky charm.

ANOTHER WAS WHEN EVE WAS walking through the forest near the Black Lake and saw a cowering Remus Lupin and a bunny rabbit who seemed to be scowling at him as if he was a predator.

          When he spotted Eve, he sprinted behind her in an instant. "Eve, that rabbit is looking at me like it wants to devour me."

          Now, Eve couldn't help laughing, even if she knew it was rude. "Remus, it's just a bunny. Here, look."

         Eve pulled out some tall grass from the ground and handed it to the bunny who willingly ate it. When she was sure she was in friends territory, she lifted the white bunny up and cradled it. "See? It's friendly."

         Remus still looked skeptical. Eve smiled at him. "Pull some of those grass and feed it the way I did."

         "Are you sure?"

         "I'm holding it Remus, it won't attack you."

         Eve was so amused as he watched Remus so cautiously feed the bunny in her hands. The bunny was skeptical to eat what Remus offered but still did anyway. And Remus swore the bunny was wondering why a predator was feeding him. But in the end, Remus was triumph and got to cradle the bunny.

         "It likes you," Eve said as she stared at the adorable scenario of Remus Lupin holding the bunny with so much care.

         "I think I'll name him Bucktooth."

         Eve wanted to say it was a horrible name. But knowing the Marauders called themselves Prongs, Padfoot, Moony and Wormtail, Eve decided not to question. She was simply glad Remus was starting to be at peace with animals.

NOW EVE WAS OUT ON curfew and was staring at the stars at the Astronomy Tower. The stars shone brighter for some reason when you stared at them from there. And it was, one of the many, past times Eve had.

          "Well, I did not take you for a rule breaker."

          Eve whipped her head around in a flash and was already read to apologize to whoever professor caught her. But then she realized it was only Sirius Black. She should have felt relieved but the thumping of her heart only went wilder.

          "What are you doing here?"

          Sirius shrugged as he stepped towards her. "Moony is a prefect. It's normal for me and my friends to be wandering around past curfew." Sirius stood beside Eve by the window and rested his arms on it. "You, however, being out here is a first."

           "I just like looking at the stars," she mumbled.

           It was silent after that. Sirius remained on his spot, arms rested on the window, his hands dangling out and the wind blowing his hair back as he stared at Eve — who was looking at the sky, nervous to turn for she could feel Sirius' eyes on her.

           Then, he spoke. "If you were any other girl, I would've pinned you onto the wall right now and snogged the living daylights out of you."

           Eve didn't know whether to be offended or glad. Should she feel hurt because Sirius Black basically implied that she wasn't pretty enough to be snogged with? Or should she be complimented because Sirius Black had stated that she was unique compared to others girls? She didn't even know why he had to be so damn brave, confident and blunt.

           "But you're so innocent and nice. It feels like it would be a crime to harm your pureness." he continued and this time, although seeming impossible in the dark of the night, Eve blushed.

            He wasn't finished though. Still, he spoke, "I don't know why. But for some reason I am very fond of you, Eve."

           "Maybe because I'm just so awkward and lanky. I'm entertaining, remember?" she offered jokingly. It made Sirius chuckle and Eve felt triumph in doing so.

           "Probably. When you didn't even know what I was implying with conversation, I completely lost it." said Sirius. "And when you don't throw yourself at me when I'm making a move, it makes me intrigued."

            Eve's cheeks reddened. She wanted to say that she did know what he was implying. She wanted to say she head wanted to throw herself at him everytime he made a move. Because she was simply and utterly in love with him and she knew him so much it would probably frighten him.

            "So, is it like, you aren't attracted to me?"

           Eve's eyes widened. She did not expect Sirius' short speech to end up with the question as such. And the fact that every other girl in Hogwarts was head over heels Sirius that it intrigued him a lot why Eve wasn't. But he didn't know. The honest answer would be she wasn't attracted to him — she was in love with him. Yet, still, Eve was still trying to grasp the past happenings that had all started when she bumped into Sirius Black the first day of their sixth year.

           She stood there in silence as she contemplated what to say when the all too familiar voice of Argus Filch echoed from the stairs. "Who's there? Show yourself you darn teenagers!"

           Sirius' eyes widened the same as Eve's did. She didn't have time to think when Sirius grabbed her wrist and whispered/yelled. "Eve, run!"

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