12 - « Park »

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« Jung Hoseok »

"Yuki do you want to go to the park? And maybe get ice cream?" I asked, back hugging her.

"Yea, I want to try ice cream." She excitedly turned around and hugged me. She ran off into her room, leaving me laughing at her cuteness. "Hide your ears and tail well, kitten!" I yelled so that she could hear.

Since I was already dressed, I sat on the couch to watch TV until she's back. There was a replay of the news.

"A man broke out of prison and the poli-" The reporter started and at the same time Yuki came out. "I'm ready." She smiled. She was wearing my fluffy hoodie and some shorts, looking so cute.

"Who told you that you can take my stuff?" I decided to mess with her but my smile gave me out. "I know you love it." She giggled.


Walking around the park, ice creams in one hand and the free hands intertwined with each other and her beautiful laughs could be heard every once in a while.

I was swinging our hands back and forth, making her giggle. I don't know if it's okay to have feeling for a hybrid, but I don't care it's love that matters right? I'm going to confess now.

"Yuki." I stopped and turned her to face me by gently pulling her hand towards me.

"I need to tell you something." Her smile dropped and she was looking at me, a little scared. I smiled, "it's nothing bad, don't worry kitten."

"I wanted to say that I-" I looked straight into her blue eyes. "-I love you kitten. I love not like a friend, like a lover, kitten." Her eyes sparkled but soon disappeared by her big smile.

"I love you too Hobi, in the same way." I couldn't help but to let out a little scream of joy and hug her.

I hugged her very tightly until she patted my back so that she could breathe. "Sorry." I awkwardly smiled.

She was getting closer to my face, looking into my eyes making my heart beat faster. When she was so close, she kissed my cheek. Before I could kiss her cheek back, she ran away laughing. I chased after her, since I was faster I easily chought up with her, so when I was close enough I hugged her from the back and lifted her up, hearing her scream while laughing.

I spun her around a little and put her down, so that she is facing me. I went to peck her lips, but she widened her eyes and quickly hugged me. She spun around so we changed places and I was confused until I heard a gun shot and feeling her body falling onto mine.

I set her down and saw blood coming from her chest area. My hands shaking and eyes watering, I hurriedly called Jin.

"Please don't leave me kitten." She slightly smiled, her pale hands caressing my cheek. After few minutes her eyes started closing along with her hand going down and her smile fading away.



I didn't double check this so IM SOWY FOR ZE MISTAKES

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