• b r o k e n •

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I asked her if she believed in love, and she smiled and said it was her most elaborate method of self-harm.

- Benedict Smith

• z e r o •

Elise was broken. Like a jigsaw; too many of her pieces had been lost, making her unfixable.

Her mother once told her that she wore her heart on a sleeve and that it would, in the end, be her downfall. And it was, but she hadn't said that it would shatter every single piece of herself on the way.

Elise had been naive, before the unfortunate events that ruined her, but now she knew what to expect from the people she loved. And she built ten-foot walls around her, to protect herself.

No one had managed to climb her walls.

Until she met Ollie.

• • •

More of a preface, but I hope you like it. (Lol is anyone actually gonna read this?)

-Alicia  xox

-Alicia  xox

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