🌺My Love for You Is Forever🌸

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I Received a text message from Kylie "Hey I hope this isn't gonna be awkward between us" Said Kylie   "Nah girl but for real how long has this been going on" I Said "Well when you left for that date with Luhan this guy was looking for Luhan and well let's just say we got drunk and one led to another..." Said Kylie "So anyway how did that date go with Luhan besides the Napkin Incident" "Well it went great he gave me a ring and we kissed" I said "Wait how in the hell did he ask you out?" "Well... No but I think we are I mean he kissed me" I said "Girl do you know how Kai asked me out we were drunk also yes he's a keeper" "aw shit gtg the boss is coming" Said Kylie "K See your later" As soon as I send this text I get a text from Luhan "Hey do you want to go to the towns fair it'll be fun" Said Luhan Shit I don't want to go alone though I sit there for minutes thinking about an excuse then it hits me KYLIE  AND KAI "Hey I hope you don't mind but can Kai And Kylie tag along? "Won't things be awakard between you two after... you know" Luhan "I mean it won't be the most comfortable situation but I think it'll be fun" I said "Ok then if it's ok with you then yes they can come" "how does 8 sound?" He Said "That sounds good see u there" I can't wait until 8:00 Shit I have to go to work * I make my way to the drive way and as I enter my car I think of Kylie and Kai She should be at work I'll ask her about this
When I get over there *As I drive to the store I worked at I see Luhan waiting at the store at the bench with his hands intercrossing in a cupped motion* "Hey Luhan" *He comes for a hug he's warm and he smells like A Field of Lavender* "Hey I've missed you Texting isn't enough I need to be face to face with you to see your beauty" *The Automatic doors open and Kylie and Kai come out holding hands* "Hey Kylie" I said "Hey so I was thinking maybe we could go to the carnival now?" Said Kylie "Doesn't that sound good?" Said Kai I still can't get that memory from the last time I saw Kylie she was on her knees and sucking Kai's dick "Oh sure that sounds fun" Said Luhan " Yea that'll be Fine" I said "Great so I'll be right back I need to get my things" She said The sun was giving a light purple color almost ready to go down "That's Beautiful isn't Alyssa?" Luhan Said "Yeah it really is it's so purple" I said *Luhan turns on his car and motions me to sit in the front with him* "Come on sit here" He said *Kylie and Kai go In the back and as they do they make out* *Me and Luhan give eachother eye contact I shy away He holds my hand as soon as this happens* "Were here Guys" Said Luhan Luhan pays for the tickets and we start on getting on a going on a small roller coaster  it was the best feeling knowing that someone you... Love is beside you "That was so much fun Luha- "ALYSSA IS THAT CHUUUU?!" Said (?) "Who was that?" Said Luhan "YESSSS BITCHHH IT IS CHUU HEY" "Huh? W- BRANDON?!" "YESSS BITCH ITS ME HEY WHOS THAT 😏" Said Brandon "Oh this is Luhan" "Hey so great to meet you" Saif Luhan  *Beandon shakes his hand a little too forcefully making Luhan move back ward* "Sorry about that anyway I'll see your later Aly- WAIT A SEC" *Brandon writes down something on a piece of paper "Here Alyssa so we can catch up anyway BYE" Said Brandon "Hes one of my friends from school I can't believe I reconnected with him" I Said "That's great he seems very energetic..." Said Luhan as we walk through the fair I notice there was this beautiful ferries wheel "Hey come on let's go on a Ferris Wheel" Luhan said "Ok" As we get on the Ferris Wheel I completely forgot about Kai And Kylie and have no idea where they could be now oh well "OH GOSH..." Said Luhan "I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS THIS HIGH UP" "Are you afraid of heights?" I Said "YESSS OH GOSH" *I hold his hand and turn away embarrassed "Thank You" "Your Welcome..." His smile was so cute his dimples were so cute and the way he had to hold his feet to feel safe "What's that noise?" "I think that's Kai and Ky- OMG DONT LOOK DONT LOOK" Said Luhan Kylie was finsihing sucking Kai's dick and said " Sorry guys I'm DRUNK OFF MY ASS WOOOOOOO" Said Kylie "Alrighty then" I said "Hey Look it's the center of the fair with a bunch of pink and red Chinese Lanterns we get off the Ferris Wheel I help Luhan get off the ride and we see it it's so beautiful and full of so many colors these Asian girls in kimonos were dancing and then it played "No Air" Luhan looked at me and I did the same we lost eachother and we put our heads together and start to slow dance to the song and many couples doing the same and I was on his chest "Hey I've been wondering do you want to date?" I lose my self in his eyes for a second  "Yes Luhan I'd love to" I said then Me and my lips touched and then he explored my mouth and I let him and we let go "My Love For You Is Forever" Luhan Said

(This is the ending to part3 not the story tho I made this for a girl named Alyssa just so you know so yea Hoped you like 😊😊😊

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