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We all have this. It sucks. I'm pretty sure all of use have either done it or have experienced it. It is not fun. But I'm pretty sure that alot of you have it worse than me though. If you'd like,tell your story of it in the comments. This is an open place where you can express yourself in the comments. If anyone says anything about your stories in the comments,I will put a stop to it. Anyway,bullying is not ok. It's never ok. If your a bully reading this,I want to know...Why? Why do you torture people? Is it for fun? Do you like watching people suffer? In my opinion,that doesn't sound like fun at all. When you are bullying people,it can go to their head and make them do....Awful things. So please,just stop.

Now to the people being bullied. I know I know....It's rough. But trust me,it'll get better in the future. You won't have this all your life. Just ignore them. Don't believe what they say and stand up for what is right with or without consequences. You are all beautiful,handsome,amazing,smart,funny,ext. People! Don't let them drag you down! Do your best! I know you can! I believe in you! I promise,it'll all end soon. If you don't give them a reaction,they'll stop. So just ignore them. You got this. I believe in you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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