John Laurens x Reader

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Name: It's a Date

Prompt: 78- "You weren't supposed to hear that."

Time: Modern College AU


You majored in Pre-Law. His best friend majored in Pre-Law. His friend was a total douche bag. But he was.....not. Not at all. How the two ended up friends baffled you. 

John Laurens was probably the cutest and sweetest creature on the face of the planet. He had freckles and poofy hair and had a wide smile that lit up a room. And you were irrevocably in love with him. Well. You've had a crush on him for a very, very, very long time. 

But you couldn't tell them to his face. No, you were pretty sure he didn't feel the same way. You had to push through with it, hold on to the moments that you met in the hallways, or running into each other at parties or even hearing someone say, "Hey, John and Alex were-" and then smiling.

But today. Today was different. It was the fresh spring air that greeted you in the morning, the first of the new year- the birds were chirping, the sky was clear, the sun was shining- today was going to be a good day. 

Suddenly, Maria yelped. You turned around at your best friend. She was holding her foot, leaning against her bed. "What's the problem?"  You ask, ducking your head back into the open window. 

"Someone," she seethed, looking at you, fake anger spread on her face, "left their god damn books in the middle of the room."

Smiling, you leaned down and pick them up. "Well, I wonder who it was. I'll ask around. I gotta go," You called, closing the door to the dorm the two of you shared. 

You got to your first class, pulled out your books, and waited for the teacher to arrive as students started swarming in. Then he sat down next to you. He smiled at you. "Hey, Y/N." He muttered.

You were confused. What was he doing here? And how the hell did he know your name? And then you said it. 

"What are you doing here?" You blurted. He looked confused. "Oh, I'm taking this class now. I switched." He explained. 

Your cheeks blushed as you went over in your head over and over the ways to continue this conversation without making a total fool of yourself. 

"Oh," Was all you said before the teacher walked in, and set down their bag, ending everyone's conversations with a booming, "Okay, class."

While you were taking notes, your hands sliding over the keys on your computer, you couldn't help but sneak a glance over at John. God, he was perfect. He bit down on his bottom lip as he struggled with keeping up. He was obviously struggling. You formed a plan in your mind, baffled that you were actually going to do this, and waited until class ended. John ran a hand over his hair, trying to smooth it, obviously overwhelmed with the amount of information that he missed.

 "John," You say, standing up. 

He looked up and you and smiled wearily. "Hey, Y/N. Class was fun, wasn't it?" He asked sarcastically.

You smiled back at him. "Well, um, I noticed you were having trouble with taking notes and everything, and if you need help or anything we can meet sometime and we can go over them?" You blurt. YOU JUST DID THAT.

He looked at you, a genuinely happy smile spreading on his face. "That would be great. Erm, lunch?" He asked. Oh my god this was happening. 

A smile stuck on your face, you answered,  "Of course!" and then the two of you exchanged numbers, for 'communication purposes,' as John called it, and arranged a time and a place. 

Shit. You were almost late for your next class. "Oh John, I gotta go, but I'll see you later?" You ask. He smiled. "It's a date!" He called as you walked out of the room.

What. Did. He. Just Say.

'It's a date?' HOLY SHIT.

The next class went by slower than molasses, but it went by. When the class ended, you jumped up, and ran to the small diner near campus. 

As you entered the diner, buzzing with students, you saw John, his back turned to you, sitting at a table, on the phone. You smoothed your hair and clothes before slowly making your way through the maze of kids and waiters to him, but you overheard his phone conversation. 

"I did not just pretend to suck for her to help me, Alex. Jesus. She offered." He exclaimed into the phone. 

Was he talking about you? You paused to hear the response.

"Fine. Maybe I did a little bit. But I seriously suck at that class." He muttered. 

You drew in a deep breath, and put rushed forward and sat down on the chair opposite of John. Crossing your arms, you looked at him, your face masked with fake anger, covering the fact you were freaking out on the inside. HE PRETENDED TO SUCK SO YOU WOULD HELP HIM. 

Was that a bad thing?

John looked at you, eyes wide, slowly lowering the phone. "You weren't supposed to hear that," He said quietly. 

You said nothing.

"I, erm, I've been wanting to ask you out for a while but I've been too scared." He said, rushing the words out so fast you almost couldn't understand. "I shouldn't have pretended. Sorry." He continued.

"It's fine," You said quickly, uncrossing your arms and leaning forward to the table. You felt your cheeks getting hotter as he leaned in too.

"I uh, was just pretending to be angry." You smiled. "I shouldn't have pretended. Sorry." You mimicked him. 

He cracked a grin. "You almost gave me a heart attack. I thought you were actually mad at me. Jesus."

You laughed to yourself, happiness erupting from you. He liked you. He liked you. He liked you. He liked you. He was afraid of asking you out because he didn't want you to say no. 

He started laughing too. You started laughing harder, until the two of you were an uncontrollable laughing mess. 


He liked you.


I'm so sorry it took me so long. I've been wanting to finishing this for a while but I never had the time. Enjoy. 

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