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Song: Fallen Angel-Lyrics

Chapter 18-I Came Back


*Weeks Later*

I was walking around the docks of Phoenix Drop thinking about my time in the nether. I remembered the fatal day they kidnapped me, so vividly. I remember the cold hard ground and red walls. I shuddered at the feeling. Then I realized I was forgetting something. I left my best friend back there. She's there all alone. Without me she's gonna kill Zane...


I picked up my pace and began to run to the gates. Alexis wasn't there it was another guard so I climbed the ladder to the guard station and jumped over the gate, he began to yell and me as I ran away from Phoenix Drop. I heard the scream of the sirens screeching and the yells of Garroth,Laurence and the rest.

The jumped over fallen trees and ducked under branches running as fast as my legs could carry me to the portal. Then I realized the only portal near us was in Bright Port. Where Katelyn was. I picked up my pace once more and ran down the road to Bright Port.

I finally reached Bright Port and I snuck around houses and buildings till I got to the inner walls. I climbed up it and down the other side. Once more I began running towards the portal ducking passed guards and swords. I dive head first into the portal.

••Time Skip Brought To You By FAIRYTAIL••

I must've hit my head somewhere because when I opened my eyes someone was standing over me. And their nose was touching my nose.

"Hey. Whatcha doing back here?" Natalie asked as if nothing really just happened pulling away from my face.

"NATALIE!" I screamed and threw my arms around her,"I came back for you!"

"Oh ok. Chill Out Women. Relax." She says pulling her arms out of my squeeze.

I say sorry and let go. Explaining what happened and how I got to Phoenix Drop,"You can come live with me!"

She laughs loudly then stops,"But...what if nobody excepts me? I feel like an outcast."

I give her a straight face and a glare,"Natalie. Don't dare say that, I love you your my best friend if we loss each other again I swear I will cry. Your no outcast trust me...."

We sat there talking for a few minutes when we heard footsteps and we stopped. I reach for my
W/T. I realized I didn't bring it.

"Woah woah, no need to get all feisty." I know that voice. It was Gene...


Hello everyone
My name is Exho and thanks for reading.
We are slowly reaching the end of this book!
Let me know how you like and and please!!!! Please go read my other book 'Every scream is heard'
Love and More


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