Chapter 1

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Hey, my name is Allison, I am 15 and in LOVE with the band Palaye Royale. They are my favorite three-person band. The lead singer is Remington Leith, the guitarist is Sebastian Danzig, and the drummer is Emerson​Barrett. I just found out that I am supposed to hang out with Remington today, which means he has to go to my school. I feel so bad for him. He could be tackled. I hope my boyfriend would not mind.

I am dating Jasper Woods, he goes by Jazz. He is overprotective of me and a little bit abusive. Whenever he would come home high or drunk, he would throw me at the wall a couple of times. He always tried to apologize the next day but then do it again that night. I have tried calling my good for nothing parents and telling them about the abuse but they keep thinking he is the perfect boy ever.

I cannot try to break up with him because he said that he would blackmail me since he caught me kissing another girl on camera. I have tried to delete the picture but I was thrown down the stairs that day. Sometimes when I come home, Jasper is always in bed with another girl. The stench of sex is always there and Jasper forces me to wash the sheets and put new ones on immediately. I hate it here so much, but I cannot move out.

I am the only one that brings home money since Jasper lost his job by showing up high and drunk. When I met him he was the sweetest​ thing ever. Now that I have seen the other side of him, I wish that never met him. I heard the doorbell ring so I went to go check it. Jasper was still asleep so I had to be quiet. When I opened the door, I stepped out and shut it behind me as quietly as I could. I looked up to see the one and only Remington Leith. I was about to scream from excitement but cried instead.

"Whoa, sweetheart what's wrong?" He said in his Canadian accent. I hugged him and shook my head. After I finished crying, I apologized repeatedly about his shirt being wet. Remington just stuck a hand up and I cowered away. Goddammit, I thought, now he is going to ask why I am so stupid. Remington looked at me and put his hand back down. I slowly stood back up.

I started crying again, quietly and motioned for him to be quiet and that he can come in. I went over to the medical cabinet and got out two Advil and a glass of water. I went upstairs and opened the door quietly to see Jasper sitting against the headboard, wide-awake. I started walking over to him and handed him the Advil and water. Knowing that if I did not sit down he would smack me, I sat down softly on the edge of the bed. I tried hiding my face behind my hair but Jasper moved my hair back behind my ear. I started crying a little bit harder and Jasper just hugged me.

I gasped softly that Jasper was actually showing me affection. Jasper broke from the hug, placed his hands on my cheeks and wiped my tears away with thumbs. "We should break up," Jasper said with tears in his eyes. He knows about the abuse that he does to me. "Why?" I asked, already knowing some of the reasons.

"I know that I abuse you and I'm going to go to rehab for my drinking and smoking problem. You can go find another person or girl I will delete the picture. I know you are hanging out with Remington Leith today so go have fun. I'm assuming he's already downstairs?" He said.

I nodded and went to go get the camera so I could watch him delete it. When I came back, Jasper was already dressed. I handed him and watched him go through the pictures on there. I forgot about all the good times we had before he was abusive. I saw Jasper wincing since so much affection in the picture he was on. It was a picture of Jasper and I sitting on a tree branch kissing. I almost started crying but the next picture was of the girl and me kissing

I grabbed the camera from Jasper and deleted the picture. I handed the camera back to Jasper and went downstairs. I grabbed my phone and keys off the table when Jasper came down. He saw Remington, went over, and shook his hand. He whispered something to him and all I caught was "of her." Remington got in the back of my car, which is black Mustang, while Jasper got in the passenger seat.I drove us to the rehab center and went inside with Jasper while Remington got in the front seat.

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