Chapter 3

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I opened my eyes to see Remington recording and smiling and then I heard everyone clapping and telling us to do an encore. I told the audience 'no' since class was over. Everyone groaned but went to their next classes. I felt my phone buzz so I took it out my pocket and saw that Remington posted something just now. It was the video of me singing. The caption said 'This is Allison and she has an amazing voice. I hope that she can open for us during tour!"

    I turned around, looked at Remington, sighed before turning back around, and walked out the door. I speed-walked to my next class, which was Art. I sat down and plugged my headphones in before I heard the screams of the girls that loved Remington. I started drawing a girl that was about to jump off the ledge of a building with police cars below her. I did not notice Remington sitting beside me before I went to grab the colored pencils, which were beside me.   

    Remington grabbed my arm gently and took one headphone out. "Who did you draw?" he asked softly. I looked back at my drawing and saw that it resembled me. I got up,left the classroom, ran to the girl's bathroom, and hid in a stall. I heard Remington's voice in the bathroom but he did not hear my cries. Remington saw me feet and told me to open the door but I just shrunk into a smaller ball then I was already in. I saw Remington's head peek out from under the stall door. 

    He reached his arm through, unlocked the door before pulling it open and sitting down and hugging me. I started sobbing and Remington started rubbing my back. This is the fourth time now, ugh, I thought. I calmed myself down to where I was just snuffling. Remington leaned back and wiped away my remaining tears.

    "Who did you draw?" He asked me again. I pointed to myself and he understood. I heard the bell rang so I got up and opened the bathroom door to see if anyone was walking by before I walked out with Remington. I went back to the art room to see my artwork has not been touched or violated for once. I said 'thank you'to the teacher before leaving. She does not mind my drawings as long as they express my feelings. I walked to my locker and grabbed my lunch before going outside and eating with my friends. We always sit under a cherry blossom tree and write songs or just talk about random things. 

    Today when I went to the tree, nobody was there. I have never felt so deserted in my life. When I sat down everybody jumped out the tree and yelled 'Happy Birthday Allison!' I started laughing and the feeling went away. I smiled and everyone looked shocked. I guess that I never smile. Remington started laughing from everyone's faces but then realized and stopped laughing. Legacy was the first one to break the silence and handed me a gift.

    I was a picture of all of us at our first middle school dance. I smiled at how stupid we all looked. Phoenix handed me the next gift and it was a new Palaye Royale t-shirt with five backstage passes to their next concert which is next week and it's going to be in this town. I looked back at Remington and gave him the shirt and a random sharpie that I keep on me and told him to sign it. Erika got me a coupon for free ice cream. Summer got me a Palaye Royale phone case. I hugged all of them and told them 'thank you'.

The bell ranged for fourth period which is History and I hate it, they are all dead anyways. I hope that Remington can deal with relearning history. I introduced Remington to the class and sat in the back of the room, Remington sat beside me. Halfway through the class, I looked over and saw him lightly snoring. I took a picture of him while silently giggling and posted it on Instagram. 'Looks like not even Remington enjoys history lol' I turned my phone off afterwards because of all the notifications I would get.

    Halfway through the class I heard the Principal come over the intercom 'Allison Quinn to the office please, Allison Quinn' everybody stared at me since I am never called to the office. I shook Remington awake and told him that I have to go to the office. He nodded his head and stood up. Since I was only 5'3" and Remington is 6'1" I am a lot shorter than he is. I walked out the classroom to the office. Remington was walking beside me so I would not feel alone. When I got to the Office, I saw my dad, Kellin Quinn, pacing in the Principal's office. I started to have a panic attack and Remington noticed. He saw my dad in the Office and went to get him.I started to notice that I was not able to breathe when my dad got to me. He looked so worried because I have not had a panic attack in four years. Dad picked me up and motioned to Remington to follow him before I lost consciousness.

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