Somebody Else-DeanxReader

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//This one is pretty rough just saying, and when I was writing it, I was thinking about it happening with Dean, but it could literally be any guy you think of.//

So I heard you found somebody else
And at first I thought it was a lie
I took all my things that make sounds
The rest I can do without

You hated the sight before your eyes. It burned in the back of your brain, and would remain permanently there for as long as you can remember. The way he looked so-free. Like this was the cherry on top of the ice cream. This meant it was over. He wanted you to know, to see, to feel, to hear. You knew his selfish and cocky ways would overrun your relationship in no time.

You denied it, but it was no use. You actually denied it for so long, you just didn't want to believe it. You thought the feelings of the relationship were mutual, until that night, you found out that his feelings are stronger.

You left him, about three days after you found him, sleeping, naked, tangled in the sheets with a girl you have never seen before. He bragged about it too, talked your ear off about it, with that damn sinister smile more than apparent on his face; but you were too busy trying to find excuses for what really happened to even notice.

You took all of your weapons, and a few days worth of clothes, not caring about all of the other things you left behind you. You knew you had to get out.

I don't want your body
But I hate to think about you with somebody else
Our love has gone cold
You're intertwining your soul with somebody else

You fell for him, you fell hard. You never trusted anyone before you had met him, and now, you feel stupid.

Of course he was the most attractive man you had ever met, but his personality was something different, in a way you couldn't decipher. The beginning of your relationship was the best time of your life, but then it just started to go downhill.

He wanted you to hurt, and you didn't know what you did to deserve that. And he knew, you both knew that the relationship would end badly. He wanted it to. He drove you insane, but you managed your way around it, you had to. You were stuck to him like glue, and the only thing that could scrape you off of him was another person. Another soul.

Another person who makes him happy, happier than you could ever make him. Another person who can give him all of his desires, the ones that you can't give him.

I'm looking through you while you're looking through your phone
And then leaving with somebody else
No, I don't want your body
But I'm picturing your body with somebody else

You had saw him that night, damn the whole day he was on the phone with her. Texting, smirking, laughing obnoxiously loud. And the things he said on the phone with her, those were the things you two had only ever said in bed. After a while of this, he left, and you very well knew what went on from there. You tried not to think about it, who this girl was, what she looked like, but the visualization plagued your mind for hours, so you went for a walk, to clear your mind. It was when you came back from that walk, where you saw the whole damn thing, right before your eyes.

Come on baby
This ain't the last time that I'll see your face
Come on baby
You said you'd find someone to take my place

He said everything he could to hurt you, and it worked, but the one thing that hurt most, was when he told you how easily replaceable you are. How easy you were to get, and then drop off in the street later on. How you had a weak spot for him, and how you would stay if he asked, if he said he would try to make it all better, if he wanted a second chance.

You would give it to him.

And you know that one day, he will hit rock bottom, and come crawling back to you, and you will scoop him right into your arms as if he hadn't ruined your life.

He never laid a hand on you, no, he knew those limits. And he of all people knows that physical abuse does nothing compared to verbal. Physical can go away, but words stick, especially with you.

I just don't believe that you have got it in you 'cause
We are just gonna keep 'doin' it' and everytime
I start to believe in anything you're saying
I'm reminded that I should be getting over it

He left you messages, after you left. You couldn't believe the nerve this guy has after everything you two have been through, as if it wasn't enough anyway. The messages hurt you, more than you could imagine. He has officially ripped your heart out and stomped on it, each time hurting worse, and differently than the first.

You fought back, trying to be the strong person you knew you were capable of being. You didn't let his calls go to voicemail anymore, because you were ready to fight back. But he would just push you down. Every step closer you got him towards feeling pain, he made you feel it twice as hard.

You believed every word he had said. Every crude comment, and even every lie. He was brainwashing you, and you did nothing about it, you let it happen. He noticed this too, even only through just a phone. He called you weak, and fragile. He had gotten over you in a heartbeat, while you, you were still in love somehow.

You couldn't let go.

Get someone you love?
Get someone you need?
Fuck that, get money
I can't give you my soul 'cause we're never alone

You tried getting back into the dating game, and every single guy stopped seeing you after you talked about your past with him. None of them wanted to deal with someone so broken, so complex. So you found a different past time. Gambling.

It reminded you of him every time you played, because he taught you how, and you used that to your advantage. And with all of that money you won, you spent it at bars, drinking your life away, until a guy thought you were decent enough to take home for the night.

The messages haven't stopped yet, but you don't listen to them anymore, because every time you get one, you know he is with somebody else, gloating about it. But you know that as soon as you stop getting them, for longer than a month, he will be trying to find you, ready to start the cycle all over again.

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