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blood still stains when the sheets are washed
sex don't sleep when the lights are off



seungmin's voice echoed throughout the storage room. she couldn't see anything at all because of the blinding darkness.

"are you here?" she repeated again. "you asked for me to come here, so.."

a second later, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

she turned around, expecting jisoo, but came face to face with jennie, her face being illuminated by a flashlight.

"shit, jennie, you scared me there!" she put a hand to her heart. "where's jisoo? why're you here?"

"jisoo is not coming." jennie replied, shrugging.

"ugh, that idiot. c'mon, let's go back before the ceo sees us." seungmin tried to pull jennie's hand, but failed.

"do you really think you can get away with this easily?" jennie asked, smirking.

"what the hell are you talking about?" seungmin asked, clearly confused. "jennie, youre creeping me out because of that smirk of yours. stop it."

"how about you stop fucking up jisoo and i's relationship?"

"rela— what? what do you mean your relationship?"

"clearly, you're dumb." jennie rolled her eyes and went to the door to close it, making the entire room pitch black. "you see, yu seungmin, jisoo and i are together. by together, i mean together as girlfriends."

"but, jisoo told me you're just her bestfriend!" she argued.

"that's just our alibi, idiot." jennie started cornering seungmin. "because of your dumb fucking ass, our relationship is almost crumbling into pieces!"

the puzzles started to make sense. jennie being constantly with jisoo, jisoo always calling jennie whenever seungmin and her were together, their unbreakable bond. "jennie, oh my god, i didn't know—"

"were the signs not obvious enough?! don't lie to me like you're some innocent girl, seungmin. this relationship wasn't jisoo's fault, it was yours! you seduced her, resulting this to happen." jennie took a deep breath. "and now, you're going to die."

"stop fucking around, jen. this isn't funny!"

"i am not." the deadly tone in her voice proved it.

seungmin's eyes widened. "jennie, you're more than that! killing me is not the answer!"

"but it is." jennie smiled.

"jennie, let me just say one last thing."

"okay, go." jennie said. "sike, i was just kidding." raising a butcher knife that she stole from the cafeteria, she stabbed a random part of seungmin's body.

seungmin screamed in pain. jennie was annoyed by her screams, so she stabbed her multiple times.

"this," a stab.

"is," a stab.

"for," a stab.

"jisoo." she finished with another stab and grabbed her flashlight. she turned it on and positioned it to seungmin.

what once was a happy go lucky girl was now a bloodied body with a sliced arm.

"i could be the next picasso or something." jennie said while observing the stabs that she made. 20 stabs to be exact.

"jennie.." seungmin whimpered, a trickle of blood falling from her mouth. "i'm not the only one."

"what?" jennie's brows furrowed. "you can still talk after i've stabbed you multiple times?"

"jisoo has.. numerous affairs.. with the other trainees." she yelped in pain. "always keep an eye out for.. park inhwa."

jennie felt the adrenaline rush in her body rising. she's killing seungmin now, what harm could happen if she kills another one?

"park inhwa, hm? she's one of my closest friends. that bitch." she sneered and sliced seungmin's neck out of frustration, finishing her life.

jisoo, this is all for you.

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