"Emily, wait up!"
I jogged to catch up to her in the hall of crowded hormones.
She had her head down like she was ashamed of something she did.
"I heard you freaked out in history class. Are you okay?"
I try to be a supportive boyfriend, but when it plays out in my head, it seems like a corny cliché.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
You always know that nothing is fine when you get this answer.
"Come on. What's wrong?"
"I just had a nightmare, that's all."
"What happened in it?"
So she sat there and told me the whole thing. Boiler room, screeching metal sound, and freaky guy with Wolverine hands.
After she told me, we sat next to each other on the bus, and talked a bit more about what happened.
She said that right after he brought his claws down, for a split second, she had seen the word "Kruger" spelled out in fire.
When we got to our stop, we went separate ways because our houses are on opposite ends of Elm street.
As soon as I got home, I went straight up to my room and opened my laptop.
When I got signed in, I immediately Googled "Krueger."
I clicked on the link that took me to the Fox News website.
The headline said
"Fred Krueger burnt alive."
It was an old article from 1974 they were able to put on the site.
I continued to read and scroll down.
Elm street inhabitant Fred Krueger was burnt alive by angered parents of Elm street last Thursday. Although it has definitely put an end to this young mans twisted mind, it only makes some residents of elm street more afraid of their environment. "It is a good thing that Freddy was stopped, yes, but it only proves that these parents now have little to no control. They have every right to be mad, but burning him alive, child killer or not, is just barbaric" says resident Judy Moore. Her concerns for the safety of Elm street has risen every sense the burning of Fred Krueger. The 5 couples of angered parents await trial for first degree murder, seeing that there was no evidence that Kruger was the killer. "Everybody knew it was him," says witness Cheryl Brown, "There was no evidence, but we all knew it was him. They were the only ones willing to take action and do something about it." The only thing that survived the fire was his malicious bladed glove, which is supposedly what he used to murder his victims.
That ended the article.
I picked up the phone and called Emily right away and told her everything I knew.
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Horror1,2, Freddy's coming for you. 3,4, better lock your door. 5,6, crab a crucifix. 7,8, better stay up late. 9,10, you'll never sleep again.