Chapter Five

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This is it guys! The last chapter of the short story I was commissioned to write for the Schick Quattro YOU™campaign! I really hoped you enjoyed the story! Please leave me your thoughts in the comments <3


"Chloe, is this your lipstick?" Layla reached under the bunk opposite mine, pulling out a gold and black tube.

We were currently cleaning out our cabin. Today was the last day at the camp and all morning we had been combing through the fields, cleaning up any trash, clearing the paths, and taking a final visit everywhere. Now it was the tough part— making sure we packed all our belongings and took it all home. One year Layla had left her laptop here and we'd had to drive all the way back.

Immediately I recognized the tube in Layla's hand and reached for it. "I've been looking for that!"

"Judging by the dust, you must have lost it the first day we arrived. How did it get under our bunk bed?"

"Trust me. Chloe's makeup gets everywhere," Ling said. "You might think a place is safe, but nope. I found foundation in the freezer once. The freezer!"

"Hey, I was just trying out a tip I read online with that one," I defended.

"I have heard it makes it stay fresh longer," Layla said, tapping her finger on her chin.


"Chloe really does know the best beauty advice. She gave me that really awesome razor."

"What's it called, anyway? I want to try it," Layla said.

"It's Schick Quattro You™. They're disposable ones too and pretty cheap. Definitely buy some. You can thank me later."

"Don't distract her," Cameron admonished, zeroing her gaze onto me. "Did you send the e-mail yet?"

"Not yet," I said, tapping my fingers on the keyboard of my laptop. The e-mail was already typed out. The e-mail saying I would happily, gratefully take the job offered to me. All I had to do was hit send. But once again I felt nervous.

"Do it, do it, do it," Ling chanted, instantly being joined by Layla and Cameron.

I laughed, waving them off. "Okay, okay. I will. Here I go." With baited breath, I hit the send button. Seconds later the banner saying message sent popped up. I stood up and turned toward my friends, spreading out my hands, as if saying, okay, that's it.

"Yes!" Layla shouted running to me, grabbing my arm, and jumping up and down. "Congratulations, Ms. May!"

"Thanks," I said, laughing and trying to keep her from tearing my arm out of its socket. "Since I accepted my dream job, you all need to promise to accept yours. That means working in the best hospital in the country, Layla. And becoming a best selling author, Cameron. And Ling... well, we already know you're doing what you love."

Ling chuckled, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Her perfectly trimmed and styled hair. "Thanks, but I still need your best wishes to open up my own salon one day. Don't want my business degree to go to waste."

"That's true, but I have no doubt you'll get there."

"I really don't want to break our little bonding moment, but we've got to get our car packed ASAP if we want to have enough time to go say our last goodbyes," Cameron warned us, zipping up her suitcase.

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