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Weird ending                 |
Third person limited.   |
Short story                      |

Red was a normal 16 year old girl. She lived with her dad and

her sister. Red loved art, music, dance, math, and most of all she

loved her friends. She had all the friends she could possibly

want.... except one. Lucas dodgehorn. He was her friend but, she

wanted more. Little did Red know so did Lucas. They would flirt.

with one another all the time, neither willing to make a move

that might break their bond. The only thing holding them back

their great bond, in which neither wanted to lose. One day

felt like two months. A week felt like a year. Time not stopping.

It was time for one of them to make the much dreaded move,

Red knew it was going to have to be her. She waited all day

Friday, during school, then in 7th period Red asked Allen, her

cousin, to ask Lucas to the dance for her. If he said yes than that

would be when she asked Lucas to go out with her. She rushed

to her locker and went to her bus. Waiting she finally spotted

Allen, he walked to her window and said "I'm sorry, but I

couldn't find him."

"That's ok, don't feel bad Allen."

"Are you sure you're ok."

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine."

"Okay, I gtg, see you at the dance."

"Kk. Byeeee."

Red pushed up her window and slumped down in her seat. On

the outside her face was blank, but on the inside she was

secretly mourning and crying. Red flipped up her hoodie and

didn't talk. All of a sudden her friend Jaelyn Gandell, tapped

Red's shoulder, looked at red like a kid in a candy store, then told
her that she found Lucas and that he said yes. With Red's face lit

up like a Christmas tree and her cheeks as red as tomatoes, she

smiled the happiest smile. When she got off the bus, she ran

home as fast as she possibly could. Red searched through her

closet to find something to wear, that's when she saw it, a  tight-

fitting red knee length, only one sleeve (made of red lace) dress.

Red put on some black stilettos and starting putting on her

makeup. She looked in the mirror and she looked astonishing,

She looked gorgeous in the dress, with the shoes, her hair so

perfectly curled, shaping her face so extravagantly covered in

makeup. It was time to go to the dance so, red climbed in her

dad's black challenger and drove to the school. When she got to

the school Lucas came up to her.
     "You look great!"

     "Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself."

   Then they started to date for about a year, but then they broke

    Up because turns out Lucas is gay and loves somebody else.

         The end

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