Tanku Batmobile -3-

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1. If I tell you, you'll all know my name, so we'll just go with Rose, Rosey, and ROSE WHERE TF ARE YOU?! (last one courtesy of my friends _DeliriousWaffle_ and -Royal_Flames-)

2. Crystaly blue? I have no idea

3. It was originally dirty blondish, at least until summer, when it gets more blonde cause of the sun, but I recently got highlights that make it look rose goldish?

4. I'm not actually a neko 0-0 there, now you know. My secret is out. Go tell all the gossip magazines and newspapers.

Kidding. I didn't learn how to ride a bike till I was 13

Shhhhh Don't tell anyone

5. Purple... orange... or grey

It is a color -3-

I believe

My hope can make anything possible

So grey is now a color

6. Hmmm... AnimeLand

The Land of Anime

Aka when I just sit and watch anime continuously, ignoring all life

7. None of them... except Emma Watson, she's awesome

8. That's a hard one... oh... uh... all... of... them...?

9. At the moment it's either N.M.E. by Set It Off or World So Cold by 12 Stones

10. Does manga count? No? Harry Potter


You don't have to do it again Batmobile ^^


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