A/N & Introduction

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Yes, I decided to do a rewrite! It still has the same plot and everything, just hopefully more detailed and emotional. Maybe it'll even have more chapters, who knows? But I also decided to keep the original version up for two reasons.

1.) It's a funny, stupid, light hearted version that will always have a special place in my heart, it was my first fan fiction on here ever, and to tear it down (aka delete it) would just break my heart. It was something I did just for fun at first, and my writing most definitely showed that, but now it's something that's dear to me. I take pride in this story, and I hope this edited version shows that.

2.) It shows how much I've grown in writing. The grammar and spelling has definitely improved, and I will be showing that in this version of my story. It will hopefully be longer, more emotional, more detailed, and have even more chapters! My goal is to have at least more than twelve chapters, or if not, at least more than 1,000 words in each chapter. I'll put the number of words in the chapter at the very end, so if you want to keep track with me, make sure you check those out.

Things that have changed, or will be changed for this story will be minor things like dialogue, a bit of the characters personality, the characters looks, and some other character developments that you will soon see.

PLEASE, IF YOU WANT, I TAKE SUGGESTIONS!!! Any kind of suggestions really. Like music, story ideas, chapter ideas, story specials. If you have any suggestions, any at all, please give them to me, and I would most definitely take them into consideration. Thank you, and enjoy!

Picture: Cover Photo
Song: Is That Alright?
By: Ashe

Introduction: But I'm Gay...


Jace's P. O. V

My name is Jace Valentine. My parents are no other than the very rich, very famous, John and Mary Valentine. My mother, Mary Valentine, makes a living off of modeling and her very own clothing line, while my father, John Valentine, makes a living off of book writing and his very own company. Because of their jobs they are never usually home, meaning they always leave me alone with only a $10,000 weekly allowance to survive, but because today is my eighteenth birthday they allowed themselves the day off to spend time with me.


When I was ten they had forced me to move from my childhood home, and even went as far as making me break up with my childhood friend just because he was not as wealthy as our family. Not to mention that for eight continuous years they have proceeded to neglect and belittle me, but now all of a sudden they want to spend time with me?! I scoff at the thought. All I could do is sigh and put up with it as we pretend to be a 'happy, loving family' for the public's eyes only. I wonder what it is now that would most likely make the news tomorrow.
"Jace, your mother and I have some news for you."
My father spoke, his voice ringing throughout the entire room. Ah, there it is. The short waited truth will finally come to light and reveal itself.

I made sure that I was sitting in my kitchen chair like a good boy before allowing myself to reply. Posture is important, and the author is a big hypocrite because she's slouching over her desk while writing this right now.
"Good or bad news?"
I asked, my eyes shining with confusion and the need/want to know.
"That all depends on how you take it, son. Would you like to tell him, honey, or should I?"
Ohoho, calling me son and then asking mom to deliver the news? Something is definitely going on.
"I'll tell him, dear, he might take it better coming from me anyways."
My mom replied, placing her hand on top of his. Okay, this is totally going to be bad news. Bet on it.

Mother dearest looked at me, her face seeming completely serious, so much that it's actually kind of scaring me. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until mother dearest finally spoke.
"Your father and I have planned an arranged marriage for you."
Bad news. Called it.
"So, then... Bad news."
Both of my parents sighed in disappointment in sync, making me start to question if they are literal soul mates, but I didn't let myself ponder on that thought too much. I don't want to think about soul mates with the current situation I'm in and all.
"Jace, you're eighteen now. You need yourself a nice girl to settle down with, have a family. Don't you want any of that?"
Mother dearest asked, reaching out to place her hand on top of mine. I immediately pulled away and stood up, not wanting her so called 'comforting touch'. 

I'm infuriated by the arrangement, though I choose not to show it so much. They didn't even think to ask what I want, let alone try to see from my point of view for why I would never want this.
"I don't even love the girl. Heck, I don't even know her! And like you said, I'm eighteen. Eighteen! Getting married is the least of my worries right now. I'm sorry, but I cannot go through with this."
I tried emphasizing my decision by placing my hand on the table, but father would never let me win so easily.
"That's enough, Jace. The wedding is next week rather you like it or not. Tomorrow you will meet her and you will fall in love. We only want what's best for you, son."
I groaned in disagreement.
"If you want what's best for me then you'd be able to see that this is not it. Why can't you see things from my point of view, dad?"
He just looked at me for a split second before crossing his arms and looking in the opposite direction.

I let out a loud frustrated scream and marched towards the door, grabbing a jacket from the coat rack and pulling it on hurriedly.
"Where are you going?!"
Mother dearest called out, her voice deluded with concern.
"As far away as I can from you two!"
I called back, double checking my pockets for my phone and wallet. After seeing that they were indeed there, I opened the front door and left, slamming it furiously behind me, not even bothering to hear what anyone else had to say before I departed.

Worst part of this all is, I can't even tell my parents that I'm gay...

Sorry that it was so short, but it's just the intro so far, so I didn't plan for it to be too long. Please appreciate what I had written, I stayed up until five a.m.  writing this. It's not much now, but it'll get better. The reason it's taking me longer to write, however, is because when I used to write I didn't think too much about it, I would always just do, you know. Just go ahead and write it, but now I'm actually planning it out and trying, hoping it'd be better and as best as I see fit. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, more to come, and yeah. Buy gold, bye!


1,244 words

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