The Adventure Begins

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Beep! Beep! Beep!
I sat up in my bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, I looked at my alarm clock and jumped at the time. "9 o'clock, I'm late!" I yelled. I quickly got dressed and ran downstairs to the kitchen. "Sweetie aren't you going to eat your breakfast?" My mom asked as I zoomed through the kitchen. "Sorry mom! I'm already late, if I don't leave now I won't get my first Pokémon!" I said running out the door. "Be careful, I love you!" She yelled after me! "Bye! I love you too!" I yelled back. I had already missed the bus to Littleroot Town, but since it was just the next town over I could run there. As I got closer to Littleroot Town I could see Professor Birches lab in the distance. When I finally reached the lab I could see professor Birch walking up the stairs. "Professor Birch!" I called out. "Ahh, Sidney. I was begging to think you changed you mind" he said with a laugh. I ran up to him out of breath and said, "Never! I'm ready to get my Pokémon!" His face grew sad and he asked me to come inside. "What's wrong professor?" I asked. "Unfortunately Sidney, I only have one starter Pokémon left, put its very sick and has to stay here for treatment, so I don't have a Pokémon to give you" he said sadly. "Oh, well it's okay I guess. I can always wait tell next year" I said looking down at my feet. "Can I get you some tea?" He asked. "Sure" I said with a sigh. I sent my bag down as his assistant handed me a cup of tea. "Thank you" I said kindly. I sipped some of my tea as professor Birch proceeded to tell me about some of the Pokémon he works with. After a few minutes I asked, "professor can I see some of the Pokémon you work with?" He smiled and said, "I though you'd never ask." I grabbed my bag and we walked out to large field where he raises and cares for the Pokémon. "Over there in the trees I have Treecko, Wurmple, and Seedot just to name a few" he said. "and over here you'll find-" he began, but was cut off by a distant yelling. "You're a worthless Pokémon! You can't do anything right, I don't know why I even caught you" we heard coming from the distance. Both professor Birch and I ran in the direction the yelling was coming from. As we got closer and tall boy with fire red hair came into sight and he was yelling at an eevee. "Hey!" I yelled at him. "Who are you and what do you want?" He said coldly. "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is you shouldn't be treating you eevee that way!" I said angrily. "Why, do you care how I treat my Pokémon? It's a worthless Pokémon anyway!" He yelled again. This time he scared the eevee and it hid behind me. "Your supposed to care for you Pokémon and encourage them so that they'll do better not yell at them!" I snapped back. He scoffed and said, "fine you want it, you can have it!" With that he threw its pokéball at me and walked away. I looked at professor Birch then down at the eevee who was still shaking behind me. I bent down and held out my hand for it to sniff. Once it knew my sent I was able to pick it up and carry it back to professor Birches lab. He gave eevee a check up and it was very healthy, just a little shooken up. "Can he really just hand over one of his Pokémon?" I asked. "Yes and no" he said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Trainers can swap Pokémon or give them up if they choose to, but the Pokémon still have to be transferred over to their new trainer before they can go into battle"'he explained. "Can you transfer a Pokémon without its original trainer?" I asked. "I can try" he said. After the check up professor Birch returned eevee to its Pokéball and placed it into the trade machine, it first read the data of the pokéball and found the trainer it belonged to then professor Birch entered my information and transferred eevee over to me. When eevee's pokéball popped out of the machine he handed it to me and said, "here is your first Pokémon Sidney." My smile grew as I took the Pokéball into my hands and said, "I got an eevee!" As I was getting ready to head on professor Birch handed me my pokédex, a baby pink guidebook, and 5 more pokéballs, "good luck on your journey Sidney!" He called out as I headed down the road. "Thanks!" I yelled back and continued on.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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