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Rhea Jackson is a very beautiful girl. She has smooth soft white skin, long black straight hair,beautifully structured face and emerald with a tint of blue eyes; that seem to look straight into your soul. Rhea is a little bit small for her hair.

Rhea is very smart. She always top her classes despite having a dyslexia. Even though she is small and look harmless, Rhea is very good in defence. She could wield a sword, spear, arrow, knife and guns like it's a part of her body.

She is like their silent queen. Key word 'silent.' Silent because she doesn't speak. No one ever heard her voice. The doctor specialist who look after her case couldn't find any problem. They said its psychological and Rhea wouldn't speak on her own accord.


Rhea was silently following her classmates. She doesn't feel well but to avoid being with Gabe her mother's boyfriend she force herself to leave.

"Rhea are you alright?" One of her classmate asked.

[I am fine just a little bit dizzy. Can you please inform Mrs. Dobbs that I will be going to the snack bar.] Rhea wrote before giving them a smile.

Rhea went to αγγελιαφόρος snack bar. Upon entering the shop, she felt a powerful aura lingering in the air. Going to the front, she was entertain by a beautiful blond man.

"May I take your order?" The man asked.

Rhea took her sketch book and started writing. [Do you have any  Ham sandwich and blue coke?]

"For a beautiful Princess like you I will prepare it immediately." The man smile gently before preparing the food.

A few minute later Rhea is eating her order.


Hermes was so bored when he decided to man his shop. The business was slow. He was contemplating about leaving when the shoop door opened revealing a beautiful girl that could rival his sister Aphrodite.

"May I take your order?" He asked charmingly. The girl only blink breaking what ever godly charmed he used. He was surprised when the girl bring out a sketch book and started writing.

[Do you have any  Ham sandwich and blue coke?] The girl said.

Hermes prepared the order and silently watch the girl eat.

"Princess what's your name?"

[Rhea. Rhea Jackson. How about you.] The girl look curiously.

Hermes smile at the innocence and intelligent in those emerald like blue eyes. He felt like he saw those eyes before.

"The names Hermes."

[Like the greek god Hermes?]

"Yup_" He was about to talk more when Hermes felt a monster entered his shop. Masterfully hiding his presence he waited for the monster to move.

The whole place stills and everyone froze except Rhea while Hermes act as if frozen.

"Dear Rhea. Pretty little demigod. I'm so hungry so." Mrs.Dodds transform into a monster. "LET ME EAT YOU!" The monster roared.

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