Three Red Seconds

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The demon looked much as I expected it to.
Standing at roughly twice my height, its skin was cracked and burnt as if it had been pressurized under heat high enough to charbroil humans and strong enough to snap metals like twigs. Though hunched over, its vestigial wings flapped futilely as it threw itself against the barrier of table salt I'd scattered around it – all eight of its compound eyes blinking in confusion, and finally – understanding.

"Good evening – it seems I am at your beck and call, o' mighty summoner."

Bowing with overemphasized courtesy, the demon licked its lips with both of its tongues – not once taking its eyes off of me.

"What is it that you wish? Money? Vast fortunes that rival the greatest of the powerful and wealthy men that rule your world? Yes, you'd like that – wouldn't you..? Oh, but no; perhaps not. Power is what you crave!.. The power to shape your own destiny, to take your life into your hands and drive before you all those that have done you wrong. Power to challenge your own weakness... Or perhaps something else..? Romance? Love, naked lust – that's what you want, isn't it..? A selection of the finest skins for you to drink and eat your fill from – speaking in metaphor..."

The demon prattled on, finally falling silent as I said nothing at all, simply watching it –

And watching...

And watching.

Finally, it began to pace around in the circle it was trapped in, nervously; its spade-like tail swishing back and forth nervously, and its eyes no longer to keep step with my own. Occasionally it opened its mouth to speak – but my silence took it by the throat and strangled the words from its lips, and my guest remained quiet as well – uncertain and unnerved. Finally, it spoke.

"Don't you have some sort of command for me? I can't imagine you brought me into your world simply to stare, ahaha, ha."

But its courage was beginning to break – I could already see the creature beginning to think. This was not how things usually went – by now most would have made their demands, petty and useless things that were as ephemeral as anything else in this world. I wanted something else entirely. Something more interesting. Slowly, I permitted myself the luxury of a smile, and began to speak. The deman relaxed visibly, its shoulders sagging into its skin.

"Yes. I want you to play with me. I want to have fun today."

If it were possible for skepticism to be in the lightning-like eyes of the demon, then all of them blinked in disbelief, like peripats of obsidian and silver. Tilting its head to the side, the demon coughed nervously, wringing its hands together while searching for words it could not find.

"That's... Quite the request ya got there. I'll definitely want, uh... Blood. Soul. Uh. Is that really all you want? Absolutely nothing else?"

"Yes. That is all."

"Damn. Well, I don't normally do this, but consider this on the house. Because I'm feeling courteous! Don't expect this to become a regular occurence, though! Ahahaha! Well then, summoner – no need for these circles, right? Since we have a deal – "

Already, my boots were kicking the salt out of the way and the demon capered towards me, stretching to its full height with a crack of bone and leather. It reminded me of an unusually tall dog in the way it seemed to savor being free of the confinements of my summoning wards, leaping and frolicking around the room before settling before me in another low bow.

"Yes, well then! Fantastic to meet you – I'll be your companion for the day, and have you laughing in the time it takes to build a castle from sand! So, what do you humans usually do for enjoyment in these times? Perhaps we shall string some servants from the balustrade, and frame others for our cruelties? Oh, oh! Or we could plant seeds that grow twisted and fell, nurturing the hatred in the hearts of others! Yes – oh, best of all! We could spread nasty words that give people hurt feelings on your human in-tra-nets!"

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