It's Real *Camren*

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Camila’s POV

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Lauren asked me.

“I’m positive,” I told her. “I hate not being with you in public. I hate guys hitting on you, and thinking they can get you. I want everyone to know your mine.”

Lauren leant forwards and captured my lips in hers.

“I love you, no matter what, okay?” She murmured against my lips.

“I love you, too.”

We gathered the other girls into the room, and explained what we wanted to do. We wanted to start as a normal twitcam, with all of us, and then tell them.

“5H twitcam in 5 mins!” I tweeted. We set up the laptop, and sorted out the camera and stuff. I just watched because I am really bad at setting up things like this.

“Ready guys?” Ally asked.

We all agreed and I tweeted the link to the twitcam. In the first minute or so we had 10,000 viewers. We answered a few questions ad said hi to some people, before me and Lauren looked at each other, and nodded.

“So, guys, we have to tell you something?” Lauren said. The other girls shut up and looked at us supportively.

“Well,” I started. “Camren is real.”

The messages went crazy, and everyone seemed really excited about it. Lauren held my hand as she spoke.

“Aw, thank you so much for being supportive; you have no idea how much that means to us.”

The other girls began to talk again. We answered a few more questions before saying goodbye.

Normani, Ally and Dinah went to their bunks while Lauren and I stayed in the lounge.

“Well, that went better than I thought. I’m so happy,” I told Lauren. We leant in to kiss, but heard Normani shout,

“Lauren, Camila, check the twitter trends. I pecked lauren on the lips quickly and pulled out my phone. I went on the trends and my jaw dropped. Camren Is Real and #CongratulationsCamren were he top two trends.

“Oh my god,” I shouted. Everyone on the bus laughed, and I did to. Lauren turned my face towards hers and pressed her lips against mine. Telling everyone was definitely he right decision.

It's Real *Camren*Where stories live. Discover now