Depression hurts
I ask myself all the times
Why me?
Pain and sadness
Tears falling down my face
Im scare
All alone in the dark
It's so cold, no way out
I call out, but no one answer
No light to shine my path
Im trapped and lonely
Why me?
Please someone help me
Im tired of being afraid to live my life
I feel like I'm being watched
I just dont want to live anymore
Please someone help me
I dont want to die right now
I through about suicide all the time
I feel like if Im not here
People will be happier
When and where will this end?
Im tired of feeling weak and pain
Im tired of feeling sadness
I just dont belong here
You dont have to worried or anything. Just for get about me like you always do
You never loved or cared about me
So don't pretend now
I'm only 15
Depression Hurts
My soul is dying
It's like a black hole filling my heart
I can't really sleep
I cant really eat
I stay locked an my room
Why Me?
I ask all the time
Don'y judge because this is how I feel sometimes. I feel alone and hopless. I hope I'll get better. But I love writing and writing my feeling out. I worte 4 books but haven't post them yet. Should I?