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Melody's pov-Jack was coming over tomorrow and you could straight away tell everyone was happy my mum allowed Martyna and Jack and Jack to stay over even though Jack Gilinsky was staying at mine but it's going to be so fun. Me and Jack were getting dressed it was fine for us to get dressed in front of each over because we are boy friend and girlfriend but I am a bit insecure about my body. All of us were going to meet each over at My house and to be honest I'm so happy for Martyna and Jack J they're a great couple.

Jack g: so what you gunna wear oh yeah I forgot to give you something I got you a bracelet and you can basically get charms about our relationship and so I got the first one a blue heart because we love the colour blue

Me: I feel really bad you got me a necklace and bracelet and I got you nothing

Jack g: no don't feel bad you did t even know I was coming, Melody I love you

Me: love you two

I kissed him on the cheek

Jack g: when do we need to meet Jack and Martyna

Me: Martyna is on her way to the airport (checks watch) and Jack is landing in 15 minutes

Jack g: cool she's coming here right

Me: yeah omg the rooms a mess

Jack g: do they need to come upstairs

Me: no we have half an hour so what do you want to do?

Jack: make out session (he leant in and they started kissing)

Martyna's pov- Jack was coming today and what if he didn't like the way I dressed or my hair or me I mean I should probably get him something nice at the airport because I know he's coming and it's not nice for him not to get anything. I finally got to the airport I went out from the cab payed the driver I was 10 minutes early so I went to a shop and a massive chocolate heart so I got him that and a mug that said I love you.

Jack j pov- I sorted out everything at the airport and when I walked out from where I was I saw Martyna but she didn't notice me so I decided to hug her from behind.

Martyna: I'm sorry I have a boyfriend

Jack j: he must be a lucky man

Martyna: I'm lucky to have him

( she turned around she didn't recognise my voice so when she turned around)

Martyna: babbbyyyy I didn't know it was you

Jack j: haha should we get going

Martyna: yeah I will give u what I got for you in the cab

Jack j: okay I got you a little something aswell


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