Poached Parents

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A/N All Pokemon with Alolan forms are in their Alolan form in this book, unless otherwise specified.  Also anything in ' instead of  " are thoughts.

FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2017;

"Elsa, get up!"

"Five more minutes?"

"Come on, Mom and Dad are gone!"

"What!" Elsa jumped, now wide-awake, "What happened, Samuel?"  No Pokemon in its right mind would take on their parents, the strongest Pokemon for miles around.

"Some poacher came for them, and took our siblings as well, we're the only ones left."

'No, no, no, no this can't be happing, Daniel, Justin, James, Toby, Johnathan, Ben, Joseph, and, what about Fiona, the only other girl and the only other Vulpix?  The two of them had banded together in a family mostly of boy Sandshrews, with the only other girl being their mother, a Ninetales.  What would she do without sweet little Fiona?  What if she was hurt?'  Elsa worried, but when she saw Samuel she stopped.  'He is the second youngest, and very uncertain of himself.  If she broke down, he probably would too.'

"What, are we going to do!"  Samuel wailed suddenly, "No one likes Mom or Dad!  We'll be eaten for sure, or captured by some wandering trainer and seperated forever, or-or."  Elsa slapped him.

"We will be fine, first things first, we need to get out of here and find our poached parents and siblings.  Wait, why did the poacher miss us if he got everyone else?"

"The others were in the entrance watching, they had nowhere to hide when he came down here, but I hid in the entrance to your offshoot.  The poacher could not see me because the whole wall looks like my back."

"So, did this poacher have a truck?"

"I think so....."

"What color was it?"

"It was, green, it was the kind Mom said humans often use in rugged terrain."

"You mean a Jeep?"

"Yes, that is it, a Jeep."

"Which way was it going?"

"South, I think."

"Are you sure it was heading south?"

"Y-yes, " Samuel stuttered, "It was definitely hea-heading south."

"Let's go then."

Just then, they were interrupted by the sound of light footsteps.

"What do we have here?  Two sweet little children, aren't they cute Clyde?"  A familiar oily voice said.

"They sure are, but they look awfully tasty too,"  a gravely voice responded.

"Go about your business, Bonnie, Clyde," Elsa told the two Weavile, "You know our parents would rip you to shreds if they knew you laid a greasy claw on us."

"Ah, but you see, a little Fearow told me anything left behind was ours for the taking.  I guess he didn't think there would be some snacks left here, seeing as his little human had the rest of the family in a cage, it was rather amusing," Bonnie said.

"You're run-on sentences are amusing," Elsa retorted.

Bonnie looked rather shocked and screeched, "You little, get 'em, Clyde!"

Elsa felt her adrenaline rush as Clyde leapt forward.  The adrenaline rush triggered a special organ in her body, one that affected her in battle.  Humans called it an ability, but it was just another part of each Pokemon.  Her body went into overdrive, whipping up a miniature  hailstorm.

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