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Another boring school week passed by and it was finally Friday. I would finally be able to go home and rest. I could be away from my so called "squad". Don't get me wrong they are my best friends at the moment but something doesn't feel right in me. Sometimes I feel like they are not a good influence. Maybe it's just me. Let's just get this week over with.

I head over to my first class, science, and sit down on my chair waiting for the teacher to come in as the other students do the same.

"Good morning class." Ms. Nellie chirps in happy as always.

Most of the class let's out a groan but this is normal considering we are at school. "Today you will be doing a new project about anything you want." Ms. Nellie says taking out a pile of science books from one of the cabinets as most people run up to get them. Once everyone is seated with their textbook on their hands Ms. Nellie continued to explain the project." But I will be picking your partners for this. Make sure you and your partner meet up on the weekend if you wanna get a good grade."

Everyone let's out another groan as Ms. Nellie gets a paper where she wrote down the names of the pairs. "Ok, I am going to be reading the pairs now! Kendall and Hayden , Josh and Drake, Nia and Kalani..." After saying a bunch of names she finally got to me." and lastly Brynn and Mackenzie."

WHAT! I had to work with Mackenzie? The Mackenzie Ziegler? No, no, no, no. This must be a misunderstanding. She hates me, ever since I became a popular. She thinks I betrayed her.

Kenzie walks up to me to discuss about our project and we don't say a word for about five minutes. " We have to talk if we want a good grade." I say rather rudely but stating out a true fact.

"Well, I'm not the one who is bullying their best friend!" Blurts out Kenzie.

"Since when does bullying relate to science?" I ask.

"It doesn't but I'm not going to work with someone who betrayed me for popularity!" Mackenzie shouts. I feel the whole room staring at us.

"Ms. Ziegler?!" Ms. Nellie says quietly. "Follow me." Mackenzie walked out of the room with a sad look on her face as Ms.Nellie followed her and I'm guessing took her to the principle or something.

"Good job Brynn. We all hate Kenzie."

"Wow you're so good at comebacks Brynn!"

"Yay! Free time. Thanks Brynn."

"You burned her like a boss!"

All these things were heard from all over the room at the same time.

Well what am I going to do now?
Soon enough in a few minutes time every one gets back to working and I decide to just read the science text book. Maybe I can learn a few things.

Soon Ms.Nellie comes inside the classroom and once again everyone stares. "Ms. Rumfallo. Follow me." I followed her feeling all the stares at me once again.

I silently heard a "you will survive." but maybe that was just inside my head. It's not like I'm gonna die while having a conversation with the little miss sunshine over here AKA our teacher.

We walked out of the classroom where I saw Kenzie. We stared at each other for a few minutes while the teacher was just there doing nothing and staring at us.

"I just wanted us to start the project!" I say. "I said NOTHING else."

Then the teacher gave Mackenzie a look and Kenzie looked down at the floor. "Just what I thought." Ms. Nellie mumbles. "Go sit down and work on your project." Suddenly the bell rings I smirk at the sound of it and grab my backpack to rush of off the classroom.

I put my bag in my locker and check what subject I have next. Ugh, English . I sigh getting my English books until something running catches my eye in the hallway. I decide to leave the books and follow the person.

They seemed to be.. crying?

I follow the person as they leave the school doors and into the street. I try to look closely but I can't really see who it is since they are wearing a black hoodie. I try to get closer and pull the hoodie down when I see. Mackenzie Ziegler. Why is she running here in the street.

I stop and stare at her running with nothing else to do. Suddenly I see a red car rushing close to her and I try to warn Kenzie. I run up to her at a faster speed and push Kenzie onto the other side and suddenly everything turns into slo motion.

Me pushing Mackenzie and jumping in front of the car. "KENZIE!!" I scream.

And then everything went black.

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