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On the day the world ended, the fate of mankind was carried in a small metal box. In a secret location, architects, scientist, engineers and the leaders of the world met and concluded that there was only one hope for our future: To build an underground city designed to keep its citizens protected for generations to come.
"Secure the box." One of the scientists said."set it for 200 years. We'll keep them in the city for 200 years." Another scientist at the opposite end of the meeting table stood up "your certain that'll be long enough?" He questioned. The first scientist brought his hand up to his face rubbing his eyes he spoke.
"None of us can be certain of anything. We can hope. Growing up with no knowledge of a world outside, future generations will be spared sorrow for what they've lost. For the good of all man kind." He pushed the top of the box down and it clicked shut, locking itself so it would not be open until the 200 years were up.
The box was entrusted to the first mayor, who was to pass it on to there successor. As the years counted down, the box passed from Mayor to Mayor. None of which knew what secrets it held, only that it would open when it was needed most.
But fate ran another course, and the chain was broken. The box was tucked away and forgotten, and as the city grew old and began to crumble, the box quietly clicked open.


A low grumbling sound was heard throughout Ember as the generator continued to power the small city.
"Dad, did you hear that?" Jimin shouted through out the house, his mother sighing putting away the last of the freshly cleaned breakfast dishes. "Hurry up son. You don't want to be late." Jimin a father replied. "I am hurrying." Jimin grunted forcing his shoe on.
"I'm proud of you, Jimin. Today's a big day." Jimin glanced up and finished tying his shoe, standing up he grabbed the small yellow, brown and black scarf type of thing that was worn by students. "I just hope I don't get assigned some useless job, like potato peeling." He spit out pulling his jacket on, he walked over to the mirror that hung on the wall opposite to his bed.
His father sighed."You can't control what job you get on assignment day. That's not the point. The important thing is to do your part in Ember-" the grumbling sound of the generator was loud this time, you could hear it shutting down then everything was dark. "One, two, three, four." Jimin a father counted as he made his was to his sons window. A red flare was shot up into the air, giving the people of Ember a few seconds of light to steady themselves. "Five, six, seven, eight, nine-" he stopped counting when the off putting sounds of the generator powering up rang through. "There getting longer." Jimin said pushing himself away from the window to his bedroom doorway. "That one was." His dad mumbled. "Thats the third blackout this week, dad. The generator is this cities only source of power. If it goes, we all go."Jimin said tying his scarf around his neck. "Thats dramatic."
"Dad, this place is falling apart. I will not just sit around while Ember collapses. I don't want to die from starvation while living in the dark. I'm getting into that generator, whatever it takes." Jimin was quick to walk out of the house before another argument between him and his father about the end of Ember started.
"All electricians and wire men are advised to report to their stations" a voice called out over the city wide intercom. Jimin slowed from his jog when he reached the centre of the city where Jungkook and Taehyung, his two younger friends, were already waiting at the fountain infront of the school, when he got there. "Hey man, what took you so long? Dreaming about echo again?" Taehyung called standing up. "He was probably peeking in her window again." Jungkook teased, also standing up. "You still stalking her, mate?" Tae asked, putting an arm around the older yet shorter boy who shoved him. "First of all children I was not peeking in her windows and I was never stalking her. The blackout just... well same as always, I guess." He sighed. "Tae here just about pissed his pants when it went dark-" "did not!" He shouted jumping on the young boy, the two started wrestling. Hoseok and Yoongi were two of Jimin other friends, they were both also getting jobs today. "You ready, Jimin?" Hoseok asked, stretching his arms up and sticking his chest out, making three cracking noises come from his back. "I guess so, I really want to work in the generator though." Jimin replied, scratching the back of his head.
"Your still on that? Jimin if you don't get a generator job then you don't get one." Yoongi stated, shrugging. "Or you can always try swap with someone who does. If its a girl it'll be an easy swap, they all wanna be messengers or greenhouse helpers, anyway." Tae said, yoongi just shrugged again while nodding his head. Jimin sighed.
Echo bolted out the door almost throwing herself down the stairs, jumping the last three she broke out into a run, slowing down every few minutes to ask if someone was okay, in which they replied that they were. She came to a walking pace when the churches singing group came around the corner, she smiled and waved as she passed them and broke out into another run, not stopping till she got to the school.
Echo came sliding in through the front doors of the school. "Hi, Mr.Boaz" she painted, running around his desk she just barely caught a glimpse of the mayor standing on stage in front of all the eighteen year old students. "Stop, you need to sign in!" Mr.Boaz called to Echo as she moved away from the door and went down a small corridor to the left. She shouted back that she was late and that she was sorry. Echo turned a corner and ran down a longer corridor and up a small flight of stairs, slamming through the right stage door she skidded to a stop at the edge of the stage. "Psst! Chungha." She whispered, Chungha turned her head and made wide eyes at Echo, motioning for her to hurry she kept her eyes on the mayor. Echo quickly moved out on stage next to Chungha. Jimin who was on the same end of the stage as they snickered, Echo looked back and stuck her tongue out. He mouthed the words 'your late' to her, she shrugged and faced the front.
"Please place you right hand over your heart and repeat after me." The mayor began."We swear Eternal loyalty to our city. We declare our infinite gratitude to the builders who chose this site with the greatest care. We flourish above our mighty flowing river.we thrive thanks to the unbounded capacity of our mighty generator, beating at our very centre like a magnificent heart. Beyond Ember, the darkness goes on forever in all directions. Ours is the only light in this world." The students on stage all sat down in sync. In the crowd Jungkook and Taehyung clapped and cheered, specifically for Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok, the three boys smiled and silently laughed. Taehyung wolf whistled at a girl in his year who was chosen to be the one who came on stage with the bag of jobs that the mayor has the students pick from one by one. The mayor held the bag as he walked to the left end of the stage. "Be the first to discover your future, reach in young man and read it aloud."
Echo leaned forward and saw that Josh was the first one. He reached in and brought his hand back out, in rolling the small paper he smiled proudly and raised his head."electricians helper. I get to work in the generator." His voice was laced with smug as he glanced back at Jimin, a mumbled 'fuck' came from Jimin. Echo turned to Jimin, he was glaring at his shoes, echo reached out to grab his hand. He looked at her and she squeezed his hand he hoped that he would get to work in the pipes at least.
"Timekeepers assistant.""you get to work with clocks."
"Mild scraper." "We got a mild scraper."
"Green house helper." "That a girl." Echo sighed, Jimin who was still holding her hand gave it the same squeeze she gave his. She glanced back and smiled.
"Potato peeler." "You're gonna come in handy."
The Mayor was now at Hoseok, he reached in with his eyes closed. When he brought his hand out he opened his eyes and slowly unraveled the paper. "Build and repair Assistant." He announced with a smile. "They have a lot of fun." The mayor replied with the same smile and moved to Chungha, she held her breathe as she reached in a pulled out a paper. Jimin let go of Echos hand. Chungha opened it quickly and had to flip it around. She scoffed. "Warehouse clerk." Her voice was monotone. "That is a very vital job." The Mayor replied with slight annoyance in his voice. Then he was in front of Echo, her heart was beating so fast she was sure the people close to her including the mayor could hear it. "Reach in young lady." Echo looked into the dark bag and reached in, when she brought her hand out it was shaking slightly. She slowly unraveled it, softly and with dis belief the words 'Pipe Works' left her lips. Jimin stood on his toes and craned his neck trying to see what hers was. "Louder, so we could all hear please." The mayor said in a loud voice. "I'm a pipe works laborer." She said in her normal voice. "You're a very fortunate girl. That is an important job." She re folded the paper as the mayor went around her to the back row. She turned around when the mayor got to Jimin. He was already unfolding the paper, he scoffed like Chungha did. "Messenger." He crumpled the small paper and put it in his pocket when the mayor was far enough down the row not to notice.

I know the Bts guys are all different years apart but in this story Jungkook and Taehyung are 16
Jimin, hoseok, and yoongi are 18 and Jin and Namjoon are 20. Yeah please tell me what you think but don't be mean about. If there is anything I need work on don't hesitate to tell me and I know I suck at keeping stories updated but i promise to try update this one often

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