Chapter 4

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No matter how hard I tried to slip into the daydream state I always put my mind in, my disappointment kept bringing me back to reality. For a moment, I had allowed myself to believe in the possibility of what the girls had said, that he had planned on signing me to a label. Now I saw that it was simply just another pointless wish, I guess it turns out I was worth being treated as something with a price tag. I did my best to keep my emotions clear from my face as I lead him back to the room that was especially reserved for me and my clients. 

I sat down on the corner of the bed, crossing my legs as I waited for what he would decide to do with me. It was strange the way men tended to observe me at the start of these things, but instead of Mr. Taylor approaching me, he sat down in the chair closest to him. 

"Now that we're finally alone, I want to ask you again, why do you do this?" He questioned as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and proceed to light one as I tried to think of a proper response.

I decided that simplicity was my safest bet. "Because I have to."

He took a long drag before speaking again. "What if I told you I wanted to help you get out of this situation?"

I rose an eyebrow. "How do you intend to do that?"  

"I'm currently working with some people that are looking for unsigned musicians and I think you might be exactly what they are looking for."

"Someone with sex appeal?"

"Someone with great unrecognized talent." He corrects. 

My heart began to race at that, so he had bought me just so he could talk to me about being signed? Despite my silent hope, I knew that I had to keep up my facade. "Why should I believe you?"

He rose from his seat at that, pulling a card out of his wallet and handing it to me. "Find out for yourself then." 

I lifted my eyes up from the card that appeared to be very official, to find him giving me a nod as he stepped out of the room and shut the door quietly behind him. I sat there for a few minutes, too stunned to move. I couldn't recall a single time that I've ever had a client leave a session without touching me at all. I waited there in the same spot until there was a knock at that door, signaling that the time was up. I tried to act normal as I went to the dressing room. I was still trying to process what had just happened as I removed my makeup and wig.

"Maddie! Walsh just told me that you had Mr. Taylor in your room! Is that true?" Tiffany demanded as she burst through the door.

The rest of the girls quickly followed in, clearly shocked by Tiffany's words. 

"Yes, why would he tell you about that?" I asked, finding it odd that it would have been brought up at all. 

I sincerely hoped that she hadn't mentioned the possibility of him wanting to get me signed to a label. Even though Mr. Walsh and I agreed that I would only stay here until he was sure that I had a better, more stable career, I still worried that he wouldn't truly live up to his words. 

She shrugged slightly, "I have no clue, he just brought it up when I got done with my client." 

I caught sight of Aalayah looking just as suspicious as I felt. Something about this didn't feel right.

"So, what happened?" Crystal asked as everyone took their seat's in front of their own vanities. 

I continued to brush my hair out as I answered her with a shrug, "The usual."

"What did he look like?" Khloe questioned from the chair beside me.

I glanced at her, giving her a look of disbelief. "You know I never pay attention to that."  

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