Hi my name is Pusheen (im a cat) and I love all the foods in the world!!!
One thing u should know bout me is that I... well..... I want you to be my friend. So yes or no???
Well if you said yes then
......Yepi!!! And if you said no then stop reading my private message to all the kind people.
Chapter 2 .
Friend psst friend. your probably wondering why im whispering. ..... Well im supposed to be sleeping but I just could not stop thinking a bout how great you are you know. Inless your on of those mean people that did not want to be my friend. Do you hate people like that well I do....
Well im getting sleepy (yawn)...
Chapter 3: Ahhhh good morning friend. But one thing I did not get to know is your name. ( Your name)
oh than hello. But I don't think you need to know my name because you meet me in the begging of the story. But well I got to go to school. See you at 2:30.
( 7 HOURS LATER.......)
Chapter 4...........
Oh hi. Thanks for meeting me a school. So how was your day (your name). Cool or not cool but can I ask you something else...... I want you to be my best friend.... So what do say. .. YEAH. Thank you so much...
Chapter 5: Well (your name) what do you want for dinner? Well I thinking McDonald's. But I'll eat any thing.
NO not Chinese food I hate that place. Burger king that is great ( no wonder im so fat)
Chapter 6:
Mmmm thats is so good. So what do you want to watch?
Ridiculous I love that show!!!!!
So what episode do you want to watch?
Good choice the new ones are always the best.
Chapter 7:
Pusheen The Cat
FantasyPusheen is such a wonderful cat. He would like you to read his creative story. He still has to add on to it but, he may want to ask some questions....