"I can't lose you, Tweek Tweak!"

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---------Craig's POV---------

"Hi," I deadpanned. Wow... great start. "I think you know what I want to talk about, considering the text I sent."

"Y-yeah." He started to stand. "What did you mean by 'I think we need to stop fake dating'?"

"Let's go sit down over there first." I started walking in the direction of a patch of grass on the hill in the sun. "Um... oh gosh," I stammered.

"H-hey," He smiled and I watched as he took my hand in his own, "it's alright. I-I'm your bestfriend, you can tell me a-anything!"

"That's it though!" I exclaimed and pulled my hand from his and gripped my hair. "I... I like you! So much more than normal for someone who's 'just a friend'! You're so sweet and kind to me, we've spent 6 hours almost every day since 4th grade like a couple, and I've fallen for you so hard. You're my missing puzzle piece and I don't think I'll ever find someone that knows me and shows nearly as much care about me as you do. You make my day 10 times better just by sending me a text or smiling in my direction, I could get lost in your eyes for hours, your laugh is the most amazing sound I've ever heard, and it hurts like hell to see you upset. I'm so scared; this is so fucking hard to tell you because I just... I feel like you're going to hate me! I can't lose the only person I've ever felt so strongly about; I can't lose you, Tweek Tweak!"

"O-oh..." I started laughing like a maniac as he looked off towards the orange and pink clouds.

"'Oh'? Just 'Oh'?! Oh my god say something, Tweek! Say some- mph!" I was cut off by a pair of chapped lips pressed against my own. It felt weird, but in a good way. Forget butterflies, I felt the whole damn zoo! But it didn't last long; almost as soon as it started, it was over.

"S-sorry, I just needed t-to shut you up," He laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I-I've never known what it was like to have a best f-friend; when I was younger everyone thought I w-was weird because of my stutter. So when I started feeling differently towards you compared to other people, I-I thought that was normal; I didn't know any better. But I guess either way, I wasn't really wrong. You're my best friend, my h-happy place even. But now that I think about it, you're more than that too. You know my w-weaknesses and strengths better than anybody else, and just what to do when I'm f-freaking out. You make me laugh on days I-I don't even feel like smiling, and I couldn't ask for anyone better to share every amazing moment of my life with. S-so I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're my bestfriend, and I really like you; m-maybe even love you." He finished with a small smile. At that point, there were tears running down my cheeks, but in a good way. I grabbed his face with both my hands and pressed my lips to his, this time making it last. His lips fell into sync with mine immediately, our eyes screwed shut. I never wanted that moment to end.

I could try all day to tell you how I felt in that moment, but that would just be too difficult. And there's really no way you could understand unless you've experienced the same thing; finally getting to kiss the person you've been in love with for years right after they confessed their feelings towards you and all the reasons why. I can't explain all the details, but I can tell you that there's no other feeling in the world that can compare.

"You're amazing, Tweek Tweak," I breathed out as I pulled away and looked into his eyes. "Never forget it." I pressed a kiss to his forehead and laid back on the grass to watch the sunset (and eventually the stars) with quite possibly the love of my life.


I'm so sorry you guys had to wait so long for this short of an ending!

First I had little-to-no inspiration, and then when I finally got inspiration it was the week before exams and I couldn't afford to waste any time on anything not academic related. Then summer came around and I had Girl's Night before my friend left for a month, Year End Party, my best friend staying here almost every night, family events, catching up on sleep, camping (and burning), etc etc.

I finally got the time and inspiration to write this ending last night before Descendants 2 aired and boy am I glad!

I had a blast writing this book for you guys and I hope you guys enjoyed it. Maybe sometime in the future I'll be more invested in the fandom again and continue this the way I wanted. But for now, I'll probably be writing original books with original characters or stuff for the Voltron Fandom.

I love you guys, thanks for sticking with me!
-Kenny <3

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