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"so tell me at least fifteen facts

about yourself."


i smiled and waited while she was writing

them down because she was

too lazy to talk.

it read:

'1. i haven't got a middle name.

2. i'm half french.

3. i love strawberries and hazelnuts.

4. i love chocolate <3

5. i hate pineapple.

6. i'm a potterhead <3

7. i love being lazy.

8. i love reading.

9. my father left my mum when she told him she's pregnant.

10. i am stubborn.

11. i hate exercising.

12. i love titanic <3

13. i wanna be someone's rose.

14. i love eating.

15. i love my gran.

+ bonus fact: i listen to many kinds of


as i was reading further and further, my eyes grew wider and wider.


she let out a sigh, took a cigarete and lit it up. smoke left her lips as her eyes were closed. i enjoyed the moment.

i love her. no doubt in that.

dear danelleWhere stories live. Discover now