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I am black. I am not tryimg to be rascist or anything but i am. Am i am scared. I am scarred to be by the police umless i know who they are(i know some police). I think as a people we cam fight the oppression but.. The way we handle it is sad. They have always treated us like caged animals becaus we act like ones. Im not saying everyone act white.B ut get some commen sense. I heard 4 black teens beat a special ed white boy because we was white. Its stuff like that the puts us back 10 steps when we only made 5. As a people we have come a long way a very long way from slavery to segregation,a long way. Then we all say #blacklivematter lets stya united but them we killin everyone and thimg because we want money, we wamt terratory. Its sad. Thats why i dissagree with most rap and hip hop songs they say the se messge to boys= have bitche get head get high and make money. To girl= be his main chick please ur man suck his dick and fight his hoes gold gim down even wjen he not doing to to you. I mean im nit saying all rap and hip hop is bad some have a story a real story some is just horrid. Its sad we are this generation. Shakin my head. And then yall wonder why y every body confused/upset at the generation. Its just sad

Think about it

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