Dear M.

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Dear M.

Ever since the first day of preschool, we've been best friends. We wanted to marry on a big yacht with a million invitees. We'd wear giant dresses and have way too many flowers. Our families and the whole school shipped us and we were so happy.

But you found other people, better people. Even in preschool you already knew that I was a loser. And I still am, but you figured it out.

You know, I tried to see the best in you, but it's hard when every single thing is filled with arrogance. You're always telling other people that they shouldn't be so selfcentred, while that's the only thing I know you are. I wish we could go back to preschool and plan our wedding, but I'm afraid our flowers have now wilted. Why did we even decide to take so many?

You're starting to remind me more of my father. I can't tell the difference between real and fake with you. I know you always tell me that I lie so easily, but I guess I' ve just learnt it from the best.

It doesn't matter how many times I have forgiven you, because you always seem to find a way to make things worse. So stop using me and insulting me, please. I'm still pissed about 3 days ago. Did you seriously only ask me if I was coming to Antwerp too, so you'd have a ride? Wtf even?

But hey, I finally found better people too. People who don't make breaking me their passion.

Oh and just so you know, I was never planning on killing myself, I was doing the opposite. But you didn't want to listen and now you'll never figure it out.

Your blackbird, in a big white dress

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