How did I get here?

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I woke up its the holidays so I'm not needing to get up but I checked my phone. New message from Unknown number

Unknown:Your so dead!
Idiot: wow my names idiot really mature. But who is this and what did I do
Unknown:I warned you to stay away from Colby but you didn't listen
Unknown: In the flesh
Idiot changed Unknown name to My Bully

My Bully:Stay. away. From. Colby!
Idiot: no he's my boyfriend key word MY
My Bully:well then your a dead girl walking
Idiot: Bite me!

I showed Sam the messages and he phoned the cops.

They said they'd deal with it so I went back to my room.

My Bully:You phoned the cops?! Now you're really dead!

I turned my phone off and went to rest.


I woke up with a headache and a sore stomach I looked around I was in a pitch black room with my hands tied.

"Lookie here she's awake!" I heard a all too familiar voice it was Karen "What do you want?" I pleaded "For you to stay away from Colby. I warned you so now since you didn't listen it's time to have a little fun" she said with a devilish smile.

She grabbed my tied hands and stood me up. "If you don't have this room clean within 2 hours I'm going to have to punish you" she explained she untied my hands and push me into the room.


Karen walked in 2 hours later "You actually did it well done no torture today" she smiled. I was chuffed I didn't get tortured tonight but I prayed Colby and the others would find me.

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