A Old Memory

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  The blue sky lays over the sky with a cotton blanket of a different shade, mixing to make one. A bond that can't last forever, as one slowly takes over and leaves the other behind and forgotten.
  I stared up at the sky. Why can't I shake this feeling? It's making me nervous, I know something is off.
   Maybe it's the new surroundings? The new school? The new state?
   I try distract myself from the real reason, I know why. He is here, and if he recognizes me. I'll never forgive myself. It's been a year since Tara told him to make me leave. A month since he broke up with his boyfriend for Tara. A month since he found out he bisexual and not gay.
    I never trusted Tara, not since the first time I met her to the last time she ever spoke to me. I have a feeling after this, a lot of things will be coming back.
   I hid my feelings for two years then I still hid them after the coma, when he changed he stopped opening up to me and started opening up to Tara. I know I sound selfish, I know I'm saying the exact same thing that started a complete war.
   "Lux!.." I look over, obviously annoyed.
"It's Brooke, Lux is the video game me.. also Luna. Understand Stella?.." Stella has been my best friend since a long time ago and was there before he was. Before she was.
   "Sorry.." she smiled slightly, "You're thinking about him, aren't you?..'
I sighed, "I am.. we're going to the same middle school as him. How can't I?.. The one that caused me to flip out about so many things."
  "You'll be able to take more notes.. You'll be able to open up Liam file again.."
"Stella, that hasn't been touched it a long time.."
   "But you brought the book, didn't you".. I nodded. I pushed my blonde hair behind my ear I began to walk down the sidewalk to the school.
  I never was meant to fall for Liam. I just did, I hid it for a long time. No-One saw it coming. Not even me.


"Stella?.. You got 1st lunch?.." I looked up at her from schedule. We were inside the school, it looked old but modern.
   She nodded, "lunch and one class together. Especially since they're mixing grades this year you need to be careful."
   I almost break out laughing, I'll never stop this mystery. There is something I don't know.. I don't plan to stop.
   I walk off, I can't face her any longer. Being through what we've been through together you can see it in our eyes. For this reason, we don't really know how to talk about it. Where to start, so when one of us is remembering the past we just walk away for a few hours.
   I just realized, I'm stuck in here for hours on end and I have to avoid some of the biggest trouble makers in the school, great.

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