Chp. 1

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Hey, guys! I'm sorry that,this chapter is so short, but I promise that the next one will be longer. Anyways, tell me what you guys think so far! Vote, Comment, Fan! I'm totally new to wattpadd so any tips would be great!

Alright, off to the encredibly short chapter 1! Adios chika's, and please enjoy!! ;)


I sigh into my jacket as I hurry down the streets, its mid-April and yet I can still see my foggy breath while carrying home the groceries. I mean, does a family of five really need so much food that they send us out every week for grocery duty? I guess that they do, seeing as I'm out here freezing my butt off.

Its only eight thirty, but the roads are already as black as they're getting. The street lamps are the only thing allowing me to see through the barrier of darkness as I walk. There are few stores in this part of town, and we're lucky enough to have one near by that sells cheap food. My family isn't rich; I guess that you can say we live on the poor side of town. But we get by. My dad works from six in the morning to eight at night, and my mom has a part-time job at the bakery. Even me and my sister, Danielle work at the local theatre. We save most of the money we make, mostly because our parents don't have any extra to spare. But we all pitch in anyway to cover the costs of our apartment.

I shift the bags in my hands, and then set them down on a bench near-by. I don't understand why they always send me out for the groceries, it's a far walk and unlike my brother, Tyler, I don't skateboard everywhere I go. My hands find there way to my face and I breathe on them. Spring, its spring, and I'm now more cold now then I was in the winter.

I sigh, and run my fingers through my long dark blond hair. I'm the weird one of the family. While everyone else has the same dark brown hair and blue eyes, I have the blond and gray. We have no idea where it comes from, seeing as everyone in my family, even cousins, are all the same.

But instead of pondering over it, I just pick up the many bags and continue to trudge along down the empty sidewalks.

Surprisingly, a lot of people pass through our part of town. We have all the history here, the museums, and art galleries. But anyone that grew up here like me would know that they're completely pointless for looking at. Its nothing new, just pictures of the mountains we wake up too, and the rocks we step on day to day. But I guess that other 'city folk' find our common substances entertaining.

But tonight, there aren't that many people out. There's an elderly couple across the street with a dog, and a kid from my school up ahead, but not nearly as many people as we see here during school hours. By then the streets are so filled with people that you can barely walk downtown without bumping into someone and having to apologise. There aren't that many cars here, well at least not ones that we own. Only the people with money buy cars. And unfortunately, that's something that we can't afford. Yet we always manage to attract a lot of trucks passing through. Weather headed for the city nearby, or just because they're driving to show off.

For example, tonight. There aren't many cars or trucks, but there is a ton of semi trucks. Carrying from coca cola, to live chickens. All with bright lights, that if you didn't know any better, you'd think we're just millions of bikers storming up and down the lanes.

Danielle and I used to joke that they were angels, coming to take us away to DisneyLand or someplace like that. I've grown up making stories like that with her. We sometimes tell them around the fireplace to our family, and they always laugh and make us write them down so that they can be sent to our cousins.

Normally she would come, tease me about the way my hair looks or how proud she is of her scholarship. But not tonight, tonight she's out with friends doing god knows what. But I'm sure that she's having fun with whatever she's doing.

And that's when I hear the sirens.

Police sirens, which is something pretty common here. I frown and turn to see a light blue truck flying down the road. Swaying back and forth between lanes, I roll my eyes. Probably just a couple of guys coming back from a party. But then I freeze when I see Danielle sitting in the back. Her hands are up in the air, and she's yelling something that I can't make out; a huge grin sitting on her face.

The sirens are coming from the police car behind them, and I can tell just by the cops face that whatever Danielle's done, it's not good.

Then she turns and catches my eye. Her lips form my name just as the truck collides with a semi in front of them.

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