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  The royal guards rode through the forest, as fast as their steads could go, back to the kingdom of Sacruim. They rustled through the oaks and pines, waking up all the birds and scaring rabbits away. 

"Open the gates!" one of the front guards yelled. The big iron and copper gate rose above the trio of men as they rode into the castle. Their armor gleamed as they got off their horses and walked into the Main Hall. There, King Harold, sat feasting on a piece of turkey.

"Ah, my good men," King Harold spat, "Any news?"

"Yes, Sire," James, one of the men said, "We have found a statue of a creature in a cave not far along. We'd like to take one of the mystics to tell us what it is."

"I grant you my permission, because I am coming too. Ready my horse, we leave immediately." King Harold spoke with enthusiasm.  

The trio of men and the King walked out of the Main Hall. James walked over to another one of the guards and told him to send for Mystic Iena. The guard ran off and soon came back with the mystic. 

"Someone get this mystic a horse," King Harold yelled. Everyone was prepared soon enough and they all rode back into the forest. They jumped over rocks and sped through the trees to the small cave entrance where the men had found the statue. They all dismounted and made their way down into the darkness. James struck up a torch and they descended even further down the cave. Drip Drop, Drip Drop was the only sound the group could hear inside the cave, yet they saw no water source anywhere. Once they made it to the bottom of the cave they all surrounded the statue of the creature and stared at it. The Mystic, Iena , went to look at the engravements on the creature but instead found it's named.

"It's called the Oviscrofa," she said. Everyone turned to the Mystic.

"Read on," The King urged.  

"There's a script telling of what shall happen," Iena continued.

"Read on!" The King demanded.

Iena read,"A descendant of the gods, an animal of legend. If man is to find it, it must be protected. It gives refuge for it's protecters, giving it strength and warding of evil. For if it is harmed, man shall be doomed. This is no joke, you have been warned. It shall come in two waves, first death, then destruction. Protect it, because if not you will regret it.

"James, ride back to Sacrium and come back with reinforcements. We must get this statue into a safe keeping before night fall," King Harold said.

"It's only morning, Sire-"

"Do as I say!" The King yelled. With that James went back up to the surface, and rode to Sacrium. 

"Send for men, ropes, pulleys, wood, and some food!" James yelled,"The King asks for it. And hustle we need the job done by night fall." James gathered all the reinforcements and rode back to the cave with the men and materials. 

"My king," James said, "I have arrived with the goods."

"Good, Iena and James go back up to the surface. The rest of you bring the statue up into the open." King Harold commanded. James, Iena, and the King then walked all the way back up and a ways to  a small clear plateau. 

"We will set the statue here. With a tough wooden gate and guards switching shifts from morning to night," said King Harold.

"Why should the statue be in the open?" asked James.

"Because then we can see the threats coming and defend against it," explained King Harold. The group walked back to the cave and in four hours the statue had been lifted up onto the surface. It took two more hours to get it to the plateau. James, Iena, The King, and some guards rode back to Sacrium while the others worked on the protection of the statue. That night the kingdom had had a feast to celebrate their findings. The King tapped his cup with his spoon and stood up.

"Good people of Sacrium," King Harold began, "We have found a descendant of the gods. It shall give us safety, and protection. As long as my line of heir shall live, the Oviscrofa shall be protected and so shall we!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2017 ⏰

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