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That is Audrey at the top and this is her fox/wolf form but she has yellow eyes

_______________________________________Hi my name is Audrey Howls, I'm 17 and I am half fox and half wolf

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Hi my name is Audrey Howls, I'm 17 and I am half fox and half wolf. I have a older brother named Greg Howls.  He is just a wolf, he has hazelnut hair with blueish greenish eyes.                    

So now I'm going to explain how I am half fox and half wolf. Well , my mom is a fox and my dad is a wolf. They met on a foggy spring day. They say it was love at first sight but I don't believe that.  Greg being the flirt he is, he believe's in love at first site. but I pay no attention to my brother.                                I have a best friend, her name is katty moon.  She has brown hair with green eyes with a little freckles on her cheek. she is a brown wolf with some white on her belly.  I think Katty and Greg like each other they talk about each other all the time and when I mean all the time I mean ALL the time.
I hope you guy like this book:)
This is what Katty looks like

_______________________________________I hope you guy like this book:)This is what Katty looks like

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This is what Greg looks like

This is what Greg looks like

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