Chapter 3 - And So We Meet

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Marinette P.O.V:

Why do I have to get married?

Stupid law.

I sat in the garden, violently turning the page of the book I just borrowed from the castle library.

Today I was supposed be meeting my "fiancé" today but he seems to be late. His father is already here and let me just say, that man is intimidating, I wonder if his son is the same...

"Princess," I heard someone say, making me look up. In front of me stood a maid. "Your parents sent me to tell you that the Prince will be here very soon and you should come to the throne room."

I nodded and she bowed before walking off.

"Stupid Prince," I mumbled standing up from the bench.

I was making my way across the gravel road to head into the castle when I heard a car horn.

I green and black sports car was heading right for me in full speed and I was a deer stuck in headlights.

I panicked and jumped into the fountain, wetting my dress, my hair and my book.

"Oh shit," I heard the driver mutter before getting out of the car.

He walked over to me and helped me get out of the fountain.

I was soaking wet and super angry. Not only because I was dripping with water, but because my book was ruined.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry miss," He said and I finally lifted my head to look at him.

He was drop dead gorgeous. His blond hair was slicked back and he looked at me apologetically with his emerald green eyes. And those lips-

Okay, what?

I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts and returned to the matter at hand.

"You imbecile!" I shrugged his hands off of my shoulder and glared at him. I could see him gulp.

"I-," He started, but I cut him off.

"Do you even know who I am? Who taught you how to drive?!" I exclaimed and he flinched looking around.

"Look, I'm saying I'm sorry and you won't even let me speak! All you're doing is insulting me. The question is, do you know who I am?" He said, glaring at me with the same intensity as I was glaring at him. I almost backed down.

"You know what, I can't even speak you right now," I said before marching into the castle.

What a dick! (I'm sorry mom). He was the one who almost ran over me and he had the nerve to talk to me like that?!

No one has ever spoken to me like that in all my nineteen years of life and I am so upset.

Now I'm going to meet my future husband looking like a wet dog.

As I neared the throne room, I begun to hear my parents speaking to someone.

"Ahh, Prince Adrien, you're finally here," My father greeted.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I got here about five minutes ago, but I got delayed by this woman in front of the castle," A familiar, irritating voice said.

Wait... The guy that almost ran me over was my fiancé?

'Talk about coincidences' My subconscience said.

I pushed open the door to the throne room making everyone turn to see who was entering.

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