My phone is a jerk

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Hi guys!
You guys can't tell but I am very pissed at my phone. Why, you ask? Two words: Voice Control
Voice control is a b**** (excuse my language and my censorship of said language)
I can't even listen to YouTube on my phone anymore.
Reasons why:
It will switch to the next video while I'm listening to a video
It'll restart the entire video at random times
It'll pause and unpause my videos
It'll pause my videos and play a random song from my playlist (Typically one of my brother's that I've never even listened to)
Therefore I have to turn to my iPad mini for music. Only thing is I can't take my mini on the bus.

Also this is like the third or fourth time this has happened to my phone, second time for this phone.

So I hope you guys have good phones because my iPhone 7 is a piece of crap

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