Camera Shy

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As soon as you got to Mark's house, you saw him at the door. He was standing there waiting for you. He was smiling and waiving. You walked to Mark as Emily drove of in the car. You were wearing your warfstache sweatshirt and some skinny jeans. Mark greeted you at the door. "Hello beautiful. Love your outfit." He said. You blush when he puts his arm around you. As you walk inside you see Tyler and Ethan. "Hi." You waive shyly. "Hey. Are you the girl Mark has been talking about all day? What's your name again?" You smile and try to push out some words. "My name is Y/N. Mark gave me his number in case I needed his help." You explained. Tyler shakes your hand. He had a very strong grip. "Hello. My name is Tyler." He said. "I know. I watch you on YouTube. I'm also part of the cranky crew." You looked at Ethan. You both laugh.

After everyone was introduced, the whole group went into a very lit up room. "This is where we are gonna record." Ethan explained. You saw that the chairs were arranged in a circle. "We are doing the whisper challenge." Mark sat down and motioned for you to sit beside him.

After you made the video with Mark, Tyler, and Ethan, it was already 12:50 AM. Everyone was offering to take you home, but Mark suggested that you stay with him. So that's what you did.
He asked you if you wanted to sleep in his bed, you refused. Instead you both sat on the couch watching Netflix. You fell asleep on him. He just sat there. When he decided to go up to his room, he kissed your forehead.

At about 9:00 AM, you could smell someone cooking bacon. You looked up and Mark was cooking breakfast. You stood up and walked over to the table. "Good morning Y/N. How did you sleep?" He asked you. "It felt like I slept on a cloud. It was amazing!" You said. "Sshhhh. Tyler and Ethan are still sleeping." He said. "They stayed?" You asked, confused. "Yeah. They didn't want to leave me and you alone." He smiled. You laughed as you received your breakfast plate. You heard someone coming down the stairs. It was Ethan. "Hey, Y/N." He said as he sat next to you. "Good morning Ethan."

After you ate your breakfast, Mark drove you home. As the car pulled up into the driveway you unbuckled your seatbelt. You opened the car door and got out. Mark got out aswell. You both met at the doorstep of the house. He turned to you. He leaned in for a hug, but you kissed him instead. "Maybe next time, I could come over without Tyler and Ethan?" You said. Mark smiled. "Yeah, that would be cool." You both laughed. You gave him one last hug before he left. As he got in his car, you waived goodbye and went into the house.

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