Actually Me

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     Silence returning cover up the forest. The lake's water flow that calm down, immerse the mind and feelings. Bring the soul on a calmness. More and more until you can find what is the important. What you should do, what the decision you must take.
     What should I do ?? ..

     This words always ringing in her mind. Spinning around the head and make Luna's head so dizzy.

     Luna feel so sad because Justin has gone. Beside that, she so curious to about who is Justin actually. Every day she left so moody. All people and all creature in Winter's Kingdom was very sad.

     "Princesses Luna, why you look so sad ?? Why you turn become darkle ??", ask Merry.
She look Lunaa deeper, and without aswered by Luna, she have understood what her princesses feel.

     Merry stand up and walk 10 feet from Luna. She walk to a big tree and start to speak with the tree like a abnormal people.

     "Do you know where is our Princesses ?? She has gone 5 day ago.

     "What are you doing, Mery ?? I'm Luna, your Princesses.", said Luna who try to stand up too. But Merry didn't looking her.

     "Can you help me ?? Can you help me to find our Princesses ??", said Merry.

     "Are you crazy ??", said Luna higher her voice.

    "Ohh, I know you tired to thing about our Princesses who lost a few day ago. But don't worry, maybe you can her to be the Princesses in this kingdom ..",

     Luna was very angry and shout, "Are you crazy, Merry ?? You replace me with the tree ?? .. And I'm in here, in here!! I'm your Princesses !!! Are you sick ??". Luna have lost control, and she pick up her narrow.

   As same as Luna pick up her narrow, Merry take a voice again. "Do you know tree, don't worry to someone who want to fight us. Our princesses must be go here and safe us. She very kind, patient, always love all creature, and ..."

     Immediately, Luna lower her narrow and wait what Merry want to said. "And what ??", ask Luna curious. "And she the strongest Princesses that I know, she never give up to the bad situation. She would stand in her feet and make a wise decision. But you musn't hear it, because you are not our Princesses".

     In the same time, Luna was conscious that she very wrong that she turn into desky. She must stand up and begin a new plan to finish and vanish all trouble.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 05, 2017 ⏰

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