Chapter 1

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Being Human

Being human means you’re different to others around you. You have your own way of doing things in life and your own opinions and aspects of the world...

My names Claire and I have dyslexia. I try not to let it rule my life, but sometimes it just all comes down on me like a ton of bricks. At school it’s hard, trying to keep up and concentrate on getting through the day without completely braking down.

My dyslexia affects the way I write things down, my memory and spelling. I try to find ways to overcome these problems, but sometimes there isn’t a way, and this scares me. I don’t like not being able to succeed in academics, but the word ‘dyslexia’ is always in the back of my mind. Sometimes people don’t understand how it feels to have this learning disability, they say “I know what it’s like”, but they’ll never know if they haven’t experience it. My friends try to help, and they do. But in the future they won’t always be there.

When I wake up in the morning and I try to think positively, yes today is going to be hard, every school day is, but I can get through it. I may be completely tired by the end but I can do it. I hate having to go through the day feeling tired, because I am working so hard to keep up with everyone else in my class. I lack in confidence but I think most of the reason is I don’t think I believe in myself enough. But I know that if I put my mind to anything I can do it.

In school I like the more creative side of subjects. I always look forward to art lessons. When I draw I feel like everything disappears and I can just be myself and nothings holding me back. When I get this feeling I feel like I can achieve anything. I had made some drawings that I’m proud of when I’m in this mood. Another subject I love if home economics, when I am older I would like to become a pastry chef. When I cook I have the same sort of feeling. Like no one and nothing can control me and my ways of doing things. I love cooking, I feel like I am the same as everyone else when I cook.

I also play rugby. I feel like it’s a getaway. When I play I can take out any emotion in my mind and focus it on succeeding. Rugby is a sport I love to play because I enjoy but also I love to play it because I focus me, If I have had one of my bad days at school I will always look forward to playing rugby, because I know that I won’t have to struggle through the wall I call dyslexia, I can just run straight through it, and there would be nothing to hold me back.

I promise myself when I go to bed at night that life will get easier and I will be able to full fill my dreams and wishes, without dyslexia bothering me. It’s just a word which has a meaning which will affect my future, I know it will. But I don’t care. The way I see it is I know I will always be dyslexic and I know I can never change that, but I wouldn’t want to. I like the way I am, my own individuality and my own prospect of live. My way of going through life and my way of coming out of life, no one will ever change that.

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