sunniest when dark.

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catching the sunlight as we're sitting by the lake and its all muddy, but its clear with you by my side. my aesthetic is breathing the same air as you.

you're existence by itself is breathtaking love, don't you ever forget it. the world tries to cancel out precious things like you because they don't want you to shine.

i want to fade with you like the sun fades with the sky. lets soak up the sun as we pick the thrones off the fresh roses.

lemonade and the sweet aroma that surrounds us as I braid your hair and let you sip on your ice tea. boys who pass us as we recite our poems and teary-eyed letters to past crushes.

sad songs and blooming souls that sit on the porch with a hair brush and mango. eyes of a young girl who is brightly lit by the feeling of another's hand twisting her black locks.

soon those locks go back into braids and she feels free while my hair is short and breezy.

its like you're the moon that fills the sky with stars and I love it. i'm the moonshine and you're the honey lips that taste of burning ache.

we go way back, from '89 to '90.

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