Chapter 16

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"Ah Daebak they are like best friends and now soulmates fate sure is surprising" said Jungkook i smiled and nodded then look at Hobi oppa who look a bit shocked but also seemed happy

Next thing i knew was arms being wrapped around me giving me a tight hug and someone saying "ah jinjja Daebak my best friend is my mate jinjja~~~" with that i figured out that it was Hobi

He then let me go and looked at our parents and said "is that why i wanted to protect her and want her close by the whole time" all four of them nodded then his dad said "hmm that is why we figured it out the day you came home and talked about her and same for her parents when you told her mom you wanted to protect her and she is special to you she knew"

We both looked at them in shock my dad then said "so on Friday we planned the surprise party so you can see the markings together and be together when you find out that you are indeed soulmates"

"I really really appreciate fate right now" i mumbled i don't think anyone heard me but yet i was wrong i felt someone nudge me and i looked to the side and saw Hobi oppa giving me a look as if saying 'i heard you' i quickly looked away and said

"Ah well now we know let continue the party okay everyone worked hard for this" and with that we continued the party

It was time to open my gifts so i sat down in the living room and took each  one by one i liked all the gifts i got from everyone but there was mom and dad's gift that was missing along with Hobi oppa's parents gift

But it was soon handed to me i took a white envelope that was handed to mr from eomma and opened it to reveal a letter and two plane tickets i read the letter aloud

"Our dear daughter your birthday finally came and you are now 18 on this day you will find your soulmate and you would spend the rest of your life with him by the time you are reading this you already know wh he is these tickets are for both of you

We know how much you miss Japan so this is so you can go visit you both still have some time off school so enjoy it but not to much okay we don't want grandchildren whilst you both are still in school

We hope you enjoy your birthday dear and have fun"

I laughed a bit at some of the words but i was really thankful i got up and hugged them next was another envelope i took it and opened it it had a letter as well and a key

"Dear daughter-in-law to be... this key is the key to you and Hoseok's home once you return from Japan you both will be moving in there in the time you are away we will be preparing the house for you

Happy birthday and welcome to the family"

I smiled at both of them and hugged them as well thanking everyone for everything for coming to the party to sharing this moment with us and the wonderful presents

This is by far the best birthday ever i won't ever change it for the world

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