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Everyone was so distance, trapped in their own personally designed voids of sadness. Looking around I saw people I had found happiness with and realised it was rare that you found people like this everyday, people that make you genuinely happy. So why is it that we pushed ourselves down. I thought about you and how it still hurt, all the time. Even though every cell in my body told me to push away I still let you, still let you - and I hate how no matter how much I tried to hate you.. I couldn't. We're made out of gasoline we fall for their matches. They said time heals all, they said

Hi my name is Audrey, Audrey Jensen. And last summer I met this amazing girl named Rachel Murray. We got asked to do a film project together. We were hanging out. In a car. And all of a sudden I found us making out. I knew before is I was bi-curious but nobody knew. Only my best friend Noah, Noah Foster. When I got home somebody saw and leaked a video of us kissing. You see in my country town if your other than heterosexual you were different. Don't get me wrong we are all different in our own unique ways, but this different wasn't so unique I guess you could say. 

Ever since that video was leaked my parents have acted weird, different. They have never acted in this way for my whole 15 years of my existence. My mum is so supportive about my sexuality, but my dad on the other hand is abusive towards me. His not really a fan of non straights. His homophobic. I'm the only child which I guess is why my parents are a little shocked. I just hope everything turns right.

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