Part 1

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Please note that although this can be read as a stand alone story, it is the sequel to "Top Secret" , so if you haven't read  "Top Secret" you might want to do so to give you a better understanding of events in this story.
But if you don't you can still enjoy. Read on!

Link to the "Top Secret":      

      The young woman made her way cautiously along the dark alley. She was dressed completely in black, a black jacket and pants, and her long dark hair seemed to blend with the night. The pistol in her hand was kept pointing forward as she moved almost cat-like towards the warehouse office door.

It was a warm summer evening in the city's industrial area. The distant sound of traffic was interrupted by the occasional rumble of thunder of an approaching storm.  

She reached the door where she moved to one side of it and waited for a several minutes, listening for any sound from within. There was nothing to be heard. She glanced back down the alley and made a hand signal to a figure moving silently in her direction. He signalled back. The woman turned the handle and pushed the door slowly. It swung gradually open without a sound. With her weapon held in front of her she quickly stepped inside the darkened office. The interior was completely black. She fumbled in her pocket to pull out a torch. As she did so a dim light appeared ahead of her as a door was opened. A figure stepped through the doorway and walked rapidly in her direction. Her pistol came up. "Stop or I'll fire," she called. 

The figure kept coming and had almost reached her when she pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. She tried again. The weapon refused to fire. Then she felt a jolt of pain in her right hand as the gun was knocked from her grip. It clattered to the floor as strong hands seized both her arms. At least two more men must have come up behind her. She was quickly dragged across the room and through the door into the main part of the warehouse. As she tried to scream a sweet smelling rag was held firmly over her mouth and nose. Just before she passed out she had a brief moment of clarity. She knew exactly why her gun had not worked.

The woman gradually came back to consciousness. As her vision slowly cleared she found she could hardly move. Her wrists and ankles were firmly tied to a wooden chair in which she was seated. She looked around. The warehouse was very dimly lit by a single kerosene lantern. She became aware of three figures standing around her, one on each side and one in front of her. Their faces were impossible to make out as the lantern was behind them. 

The man in front spoke in a deep voice. "Back with us at last? You've been out for half an hour."

"You'd better untie me fast," she said through gritted teeth. Other people know where I am."

"You mean your bodyguard? We have him too. He's tied up in the next room. Now down to business. We know why you're here, but I'm afraid your quest has failed. All I need to know from you is the name of the person who sent you here. The person you came all the way from Australia to meet up with. The person who knows about what we're doing here."

The woman was silent.

"Don't want to talk? My friend here is good at making people talk." 

The man on the woman's right stepped in front of her. His face was a dark shadow as he held up a long knife with gleamed dully in the low light. He spoke in a low voice: "I can cut you in a hundred places that won't kill you, but the pain will make you wish you were dead. One last chance. The name of the person."

The woman looked at him with terrified eyes, but said nothing.

"Okay then, here comes the first cut." The man reached out and pulled the woman's jacket open, then slowly moved the point of the knife up to her left breast. 

She screamed.

Hope you liked this opening chapter.
If so continue to Part 2, but please vote first :)

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